gully1824's Comments
Goya Hunter
problem with abominable is you water him down with pirhanas and hounds….
Rank 6 C'thun Wall Druid
1. Vital. No. But really has huge value in control matchups. consider a second ultimate infestation
2. he is in there 😉
Rank 6 C'thun Wall Druid
very fair points.
now that i have the full write-up, it might be clearer as to the choices.
jade can certainly come out. I had it in there as I was playing a lot of priests and was getting fatigued a lot.
I do think 2 spreading is needed for consistency… see description
Rank 6 C'thun Wall Druid
Not a big fan of mark of the lotus, notice how only very OP pumps get played in real play (like spikeridged steed). It opens up for way too much 2 for 1, and you don;t need more taunt in this deck, and have few targets for it that dont already have taunt.
Prince Aggro Paladin - Super fast Rank 5!
I’ve been running something similar and have also jet up to rank 5… now to grind it out!
good build man
Knights of the Frozen Throne Guide, Release Date, Card Spoilers List, Missions
Hey Evident,
Great job throughout this whole reveal and congrats on the card reveal!
Can I make a suggestion for future set reveals? As it seems many people complain about the rating of cards on this site, perhaps you could assign three options for ranking… one for constructed, one for wild and one for arena (the 3 main formats)… as some cards are great in some formats but relatively useless in others.
This approach might give some greater accuracy as to how things are ranked and therefore discussed.
Food for thought?!?
Malfurion the Pestilent
I would argue it’s better than justicar. Sure one mana more and one less on the armor (compared to warrior where it was used most), but it comes with some bonus minions and more flexibility. This card is rated way too low
Forge of Souls - Hearthstone Top Decks Exclusive Frozen Throne Card Reveal!
Agreed! well done!
Fallen Sun Cleric
blizzard haven’t opened up enough mechanics to be doing this imho. they are playing it very safe.
I’ve played mtg since beta and watched them explore mechanics over time as well… it was similar in that each expansion focused on one mechanic and some would stick around forever, and some would fade to oblivion (i.e. flanking in mtg … which might be handbuff try and fail for HS).
The biggest issue is that HS doesn’t print enough cards for each new expansion, making their new mechanics too difficult to shine vs just straight up good value cards.
Each class only gets 10 new cards, it’s nowhere near enough, creating a relatively boring metagame with only a few viably competitive archetypes. Sure there have been times where one class can play multiple archetypes, but never has there been a meta where all classes have this ability. And I don;t think it will happen until they print 250ish per release. Even if they did the first major set release per year as a bigger one and then the next two keep them the way they are.
They should be copying mtg in some ways (even though the game is slightly different)… as there’s a reason it has lasted 20+ years
Drakkari Defender
agreed in wild….
with coin. go t1: trogg, t2: coin this out and swing with your 4/3 trogg.
It will only be dealt with by removal, and if not dealt with, you losing your 3 drop doesn;t really matter, especially if followed by a 7/7 faceless, making your trogg a 6/3.
This could see wild play and is a decent arena card, more as a mid to late game drop to prtect your board, where the overload doesn;t matter as much
Stitched Tracker
This card is for control and combo…
2 yoggs! sure, lets go.
Let’s just hope the control package is good enough to be viable, more AOE for hunter plz!
Cthun Warrior Quest
remove slams and yogg and i know a guy,
replace with 2 Fiery war axe and 2 desciples to add to your removal (replace slam) while fitting your curve better and pumping c’thun. You need to get him to 10/10 at least in order to activate your twins
Elemental Rogue 67% Winrate To My Dad Legend Rank 9
LOL. Being a dad who does the same thing, not enough time to grind it out to legend… I love calling it DAD LEGEND… although I’d argue that it should be rank 5, where the winstreak stars stop!
Cool deck too!
What is Tempo? - Hearthstone Beginner's Guide
Great Article!
I like how you described that minions –> stats –> Tempo.
I find it unfortunate that Ungoro printed too many low cost good stat minions, and an abnormally large amount of minions (perhaps to fit the theme?!?), and they printed fewer spells. It makes the game very much dependent on exactly what you are describing.
Love that they are making a “spend your armor” mechanic! This is an amazing use for it as well.
Although this card seems super OP at first, it does come with a slight drawback… it says spend ALL your armor, which means you might be overspending (although for an awesome low cost effect). There’s a chance that you have a pile of armor and get in to a situation where you must spend it all, negating much of your build up… in order to avoid this, you have to play around it, which adds a negative side to this card.
Don;t get me wrong, this is a wicked card, and has a lot of up side, but it needs to be analyzed fully!