Genieblood's Comments
Shifter Zerus
Ever wanted Tirion in Control Warrior? Fallen Hero in Hunter? Prophet Velen in Mage? This card is insane. Will there be points where it becomes a wisp? Of course! Just don’t play it yet then.
Vilefin Inquisitor
I’d rather have this in shaman. Imagine the Everyfin is Awesome synergy.
Faceless Summoner
If a typical three-drop has average stats of 3/3, then this has 8/8 worth of stats split between two minions. This is amazing for arena, and probably good for constructed as well.
Deathwing, Dragonlord
That’s a good question on the ordering of the whole deal. Does it destroy the minions including Dragonlord which pulls the dragons from your hand and then discards everything else, or does it discard your hand then kill dragonlord?
Anti-C'thun Patron Warrior
Tentacles are good because they do a decent job at stopping zoo which will likely be one of the main forms of aggressive decks now that sticky deathrattle minions are phasing out, as well as being a second whirlwind with a body. Example situation: you have a Tentacle on the board with a patron and frothing berserker, with your opponent having a knife juggler and an abusive sergeant. You run the Tentacle into the knife juggler, buffing the frothing twice. The tentacle then activates, killing the juggler and abusive and buffing the frothing 4 times and summoning a patron. This could be a very probable board state.
Anti-C'thun Patron Warrior
Hogger is definitely an option. However, I’m unsure on how good that card is. The good thing about patrons is they multiply, whereas if a gnoll is damaged it doesn’t spawn another gnoll. It all comes down to how good that card is. Hogger just reminds me too much of Troggzor to put it in here right now.
Anti-C'thun Patron Warrior
As soon as a patron dies, there’s more room on the board for new patrons to spawn. In order for C’thun to clear a patron board, you have to bring 7 patrons to 1 health and then kill them all. That’s extremely unlikely. And yes, if you have a patron on the board they won’t play C’thun (if they’re smart). However, it means it’ll save you from OTK for at least another turn, giving you time to armor up, fill the board with more patrons, and set up grommash lethal.
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
Okay, so it can’t assassinate (card text is only destroy enemy minions), but it can power overwhelming itself or drop a twisting nether or shadow word death
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
It would be good if negative spells only hit your opponent and their minions, while positive spells only hit your stuff. I think playing this on ten mana and then having Yogg-Saron proceed to assassinate itself and then heal your opponent is a good way to ruin the game. So I think it’s bad unless the targets are a bit more intentional.
Validated Doomsayer
You can’t rate cards in anticipation of a new expansion based on fun. Sure, I love playing Naga Sea Witch +2 Summoning Portals to get 1 mana Dr. Boom and Arch-Thief Rafaam, but it doesn’t make them 5 star cards. I’m sure there will be some silly things you can do with the card or perhaps it’ll actually be good, but rating a card based on its fun factor isn’t really the point. By that logic, Chillwind Yeti should be 1 star because it doesn’t synergize and doesn’t have a cool effect, when in reality its a pretty good card.
Call of the Wild
You have to remember that the “3 cost minions” from animal companion are stronger than a normal three-drop, and it’s the randomness that keeps that original hunter card balanced (kind-of). Huffer is a strictly better Wolfrider (+1/+1 stats and beast synergy), Misha is a strictly better Ironfur Grizzly (+1/+1 stats), and Leokk is a strictly better raid leader (+2 health and beast synergy). In truth, the Animal companions are actually around 3.5 mana worth.
In addition, playing 3 3 drops is worth 9 mana for this 8 mana card, even if it isn’t the best curve-wise, but let’s face it- you’re not curving out to turn 10 dropping a ten drop.
The stats come out to a base 10/10 for 8 mana which is pretty good, plus it’s technically 12/10 worth of stats because of Leokk’s effect. So it’s not as bad as you’re saying it is. It can help you push for lethal in the case of the five damage from huffer and buffing existing minions as well as leaving a scary board for your opponent to deal with, and can help you stabilize when behind. I think this will be a great high-end card that hunters have always needed. I expect one of these in many Midrange Hunter decks. In arena this will be amazing (see silverhand knight)
Tl;Dr – It’s better than you think
Call of the Wild
If you’re going for pure SMOrc value, this does 5 damage for 8 mana. Not great. The strength of this card is the stats (10/10 for 8 mana +2 more attack from buffs) plus their effects in general.
Call of the Wild
It’ll summon one of each. So all you get is a huffer that’s been buffed by leokk and guarded by misha.
Call of the Wild
Let’s take a look at what this card does:
Effectively summons a 5/2 charge, 2/4 that gives your minions +1 attack, and a 5/4 taunt (I put the leokk buff on the two other companions right away. 5/4 taunt is worth 4 mana, 5/2 is worth around 5 mana, and the 2/4 buffer is around 3.5 mana. So you’re getting some good value. It’s an 8 mana “Deal 5 damage, Summon a 5/4 taunt and a 2/4, give your other minions +1 attack” So It’s probably alright.
Because Discover can’t give you minions from other classes, and those cards are generally limited (Beasts from tomb spider, 3-drops from jeweled, 1-drops from peddler, etc.)