Frogbane's Comments
Chakki's Frozen Throne EZ BIG Secret Hunter
Why is Y’Shaarj worse than Yogg Saron? This is a deck meant to pull out big minions. What can a Yogg do to change the flow of the game? Atleast Y’Shaarj can do what this deck is meant to do. Which is to get big minions and then finish it with N’zoth.
That sounds like a wonderful idea! I wonder how it would go in standard. I mean compared to the other artifacts like Priest’s Artifact, Mage’s Artifact would be great. Maybe add a Pyroblast if it comes down to the wire?
Zoo Mage maybe? Lots of 1, 2 and 3 mana minions? Secret synergies aswell? This card could create a Zoo Mage.
Unidentified Elixir
It is kind of possible. I have one and i added Benedictus aswell.
NewMeta's N'Zoth Control Warrior - #36 Legend (October 2017)
So this deck is missing a few stall cards. For one the dirty rats boosts the opponents early game rather than slowing it. Second you do NOT have enough minions or time to support your N’zoth. If you have few deathrattles and a N’zoth then you should add TWO Dead Mans Hand. That way you can support the late game and gain an extra N’zoth. Want some more late game? Add in some Bone Drakes. Want some control over the board? Simple, add some value taunts to slow down his game. Dirty Rat is not fitting in this deck.
And at long last if you do NOT have alot of armor then add in ONE Shield Slam. Because 2 shield slams with nearly no armor is not good at all.
Thank you for reading.
The Revival Of No Duplicate mage
Well, it has a kinda okay chance at beating midrange or rush decks. But not only those decks. Control decks will most likely fall. Mill rouge will be sad because you can add 2 cards in your decks. Combo decks won’t stand a chance either. Grind it out till the late game.
Kazakus Priest (Made from the start)
Yogg is the last resort card. Sometimes you need to trust the RNG.
It is possible. You could add in Frost Lich Jaina to this deck.