Earthrouge's Comments
Shrink Ray
Equality by itself, or while you have no minions in play does nothing for you. Let’s say you equality on a board of 2 mountain giants, while you have nothing in play. They are still 8/1, you still get hit for 16 next turn. With Shrink Ray those 8/8 turn into 1/1’s giving you a lot more breathing room. I’m not saying equality is bad, it’s amazing. However, equality by itself does absolutely nothing. I’m just saying it is great to have more options for a control pally type deck.
Shrink Ray
Reducing your opponent’s board to a heap of 1/1s is super powerful. Granted it also decreases your board, but Paladin can easily buff them back up. This card removes almost all pressure from the board stalling the game enough to find win conditions in control paladin. Really like this card 5/5.
Crystalsmith Kangor
Oakheart with this is actually pretty interesting. Oakheart pulls Kangor, Benevolent Djinn, and Blackguard. Healing you for 6 and dealing 6 to a random enemy minion, while also giving you a pretty powerful board state all for 9 mana.
Control Pally GUIDE (Blizzard Off-meta report)
LOve the guide, man. Do you have any ideas for a replacement for zola? Its the only card i’m missing.
Academic Espionage
Only the spells tho. That 1 mana jaina/guldan/any other good card that is not a spell will still be there.
Control Paladin feat. Oakheart, Ashmore, Gilnean Royal Guard
You are completely right, that was a mistake from my part. It was supposed to be one call to arms to pull out the pyromancers and scalehides to improve the highrolls of ashmore and oakheart (and maybe pair with equality). Instead of removing one CtA i just took both out and added two doomsayers to help against early game aggroa and make it easier to survive to the late game.
Caravaggio's Witchwood OTK Paladin (April 2018)
Ok, so, I experimented a bit with the deck and I found out something (you guys probably know this). You need all four different horsemen to win, you cant have 2 of the same. This means that if you zola or brewmaster a horseman to hand then you’ll need to play them first and then blackwald+heropower, otherwise the condition isn’t met (because there is a chance you get a horseman you already carry). This also means that any combo with baleful banker+call to arms will not work.
Caravaggio's Witchwood OTK Paladin (April 2018)
the only way I see this work is by having a horseman already on board with redemption on play (with a horseman on hand). The otk happens next turn with blackwald and hero power. If I’m wrong please correct me, but right now too many variables have to work in your favor for the otk to work.
How-to Beat Captain Shivers Boss Guide - Tracker's Monster Hunt Nemesis!
I was at my first run of the monster hunt, got him as the final boss. I was completely getting destroyed, he got me to 12 health or so and I had an empty board with no way of winning. He played the fel reavers and I used jade shuriken, first card he burnt: Kingsbane. The battle gets extremely easy when he doesn’t have kingsbane.
Monster Hunt Guide - Monsters, Bosses List, Treasure List, and Tips & Tricks
i think infinite toki is toki’s nemesis, makes more sense.
Paragon of Light
I knew disenchanting my golden Tyrantus for Lynessa at the start of KnC was going to be worth it.
Bellringer Sentry
I actually think this card could be really annoying to go through if you’re playing redemption.
Bellringer turn 4 brings redemption, opponent kills it, it comes back as a 3/1 (4/2 if you played sword of justice turn 3) and brings another secret (redemption) to play. Opponent kills it again redemption brings it back and still has another deathrattle to trigger. I see this working in buff paladin where you struggle to keep cards in board, even a 3/1 buffed with either stegodon or blessing of kings becomes a threat. Even if you pull noble defender it helps you battle for the board, potentially keeping your 3/4 and buffing it next turn. I’m excited for this card and the potential new secrets paladin could get.
4/5 stars for me.
Muzzy's (Zhandaly) Legend Dude Paladin (February 2018)
Do you think Lynessa could fit in a deck like this? With cards subs like spikeridged and potion of heroism.
Thanks for the reply, really appreciate it.