Doomelf's Comments
Matpakke's Un'Goro Legend Jade Druid (April 2017, Season 37)
I can agree with you on that one. At the time he may have encountered many rogues or pirate warriors and added the card for those matchups. That is indeed clever deckbuilding.
Matpakke's Un'Goro Legend Jade Druid (April 2017, Season 37)
Legend is no different than any other rank. I’ve seen many “legends” playing worse than me even at top 100. It just requires time and experience.
And for the record, being a good deck builder has nothing to do with achieving that rank. I have not come here to brag about how “pro” I am, but merely to discuss the deck.
Reacting like that, when someone tries to discuss different card options, is just immature and provides no constructive criticism.
Matpakke's Un'Goro Legend Jade Druid (April 2017, Season 37)
Well, if anyone dares to play Pirate Warrior when Quest Warrior and Elemental Shaman are its counters and are one of the most popular decks right now then good luck I guess.
Lunar Visions is mainly useful, because it draws more reliably in top deck mode and is still a good bargain even with not so many minions. You can think of it as an additional Nourish with 1 less draw, since you will almost always use Nourish as draw.
11 minions in this list give a reasonable chance to lower some of them, especially Gadgetzan Auctioneer.
As for the rogues using pirates, sure you can remove one with the Golakka Crawler, but unless it is a 5/5 pirate the card is almost useless. There are better overall options out there that improve the deck in many ways compared to a situational card like that.
Matpakke's Un'Goro Legend Jade Druid (April 2017, Season 37)
Playing cards like Golakka Crawler, Earthen Scales and Tar Creeper is a waste of space for precious choices you can have instead.
Pirate Warrior is no more so there is no reason to add Golakka Crawler to fit such a phantom meta. Earthen Scales is too weak of a card in this deck. Tar Creeper does literally nothing to boost the deck and it’s goals against non-aggressive decks.
Now that Azure Drake is gone from Standard cards like Lunar Visions are priceless and more suited to the deck. Yogg-Saron is also an additional potential swing for druid’s lack of ability to retake the board when lost or there is no hope left for a comeback.
A good deck builder knows not to add cards that are situational and improve the deck only against a specific matchup, but those that do so against the whole meta or are simply irreplaceable for the deck’s performance.
Aggro Pirate Warrior Deck List Guide - Kobolds - February 2018
I use Cruel Taskmaster and Mortal Strike instead of Ravasaur Runt and Naga Corsair. Not that I currently play the deck given the anti-aggro meta we have right now.
The taskmaster allows you to trade upwards when needed or just push more damage. Two mana 2/2 deal 2 damage or just a ping is amazing and quite flexible.
As for the strike, it’s a no brainer in this list.
CTRL Gangster Warrior
What I don’t get is why Doppelgangster is in the deck. Your list has no cards that can guarantee to buff it, since Brass Knuckles and Don Han’Cho are purely random so it should be impossible to do so with the 13 other minions in the deck messing up that chance.
You would have to play all other minions first and then have a chance to buff the Doppelgangster, which makes it a highly inconsistent play.
Other than that the deck looks good.
Senfglas' N'Zoth Control Shaman (October 2016, Season 31)
Good deck, but IMO needs more deathrattle cards.
+1 from me.
Muzzy's Legend Midrange Shaman (October 2016, Season 31)
It’s amazing how much negative rating this deck has for no real reason. The deck is built very well.
+1 from me to help out ๐
Frodan's (Wild) Echo of Medivh Mage (September 2016, Season 30)
None. It is a secret, needed for enabling Medivh’s Valet reliably. Also, it is protection from OTK attempts.
Frodan's (Wild) Echo of Medivh Mage (September 2016, Season 30)
A well made deck. +1 from me ๐
Brian Kibler's Dragon Paladin (September 2016, Season 30)
-1x Faerie Dragon, -1x Loot Hoarder and -1x Nightbane Templar
+1x Equality, +2x Wild Pyromancer
Criticism aside, Matpakke, congratulations on reaching Legend! ๐