Dirgander's Comments
Dire Frenzy
Given the number of beasts in this expansion among all classes and the fact that this can target your opponent’s minions too is actually pretty insane.
Another potential use to help solve the card draw dilemma in Hunter may be to combo with Starving Buzzard to have multiple, well statted draw engines in your deck.
Control Hunter will be a thing, I’m betting on it! Even if it’s not tier 1 or 2, it’s going to be fun to experiment with and play!
Also, because of the Dragon tag it can still work with Kathrena Winterwisp without stopping Emeriss’ battlecry from triggering.
Given a fairly powerful legendary dragon for Hunter, I’m excited now to the see potential for a Dragon Hunter archetype. So far all we have for Dragon-Holding mechanics in standard is Scaleworm, but Scaleworm also provides beast synergy opportunities for an early game tempo/control play. If we get more Dragon-Holding cards, I could see Control Hunter becoming Dragon Hunter! A very interesting opportunity for a Dual-Minion Type deck, and also possibly a place for Nightmare Amalgam!
Spell Hunter Deck List Guide - Witchwood - August 2018
Yeah I have been playing it nonstop and it’s a blast! Haven’t tried Barnes/Y’Shaarj admittedly though haha
How-to Best Expand Your Hearthstone Card Collection
The Pity Timer effect has always been around! It exists for each pack individually. If you are talking about the duplicate-legendaries update, that has not gone live yet!
How-to Best Expand Your Hearthstone Card Collection
Correct, this won’t work for the Un’Goro packs. This only applies to the new expansion! Glad you found the article helpful!
Top Finishing Standard Legend Decks from Season 37 (April 2017)
I have thought about trying a new Zoolock variation that uses Bloodbloom + DOOM! to essentially refresh and restart the board when the opponent starts building up a defense. It would be a very aggressive play, but in theory DOOM! would refresh your hand with cheap minions that you can instantly populate the board with again. I don’t have DOOM! unfortunately, but if you do you should try it out and tell me how it works!
Wouldn’t you want to try and wait until after you complete the Quest to play Keleseth though?