DestinyXXX's Comments
Stargazer Luna
1) no, if u have just 3 mana you can’t play the right most card in your hand, unless it costs 0
2) only in something like miracle mage with a lot of cheap spells,
3) in the first turns is pure rng, the right card has 50% chance to be unplayable or suboptimal (imagine a polymorph without a target, a firebolt when u wanna devolop the board, etc)
Big Spell Mage Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
With “the same” i mean -> you can’t combo it with anything relevant in the crucial turns.
The 2-mana ooze is surely better vs odd an miracle rogue when you are going second (it contests both thug and fledgling t3). When u are going first against miracle the 3 mana ooze is just the same (1 armor on the dagger, same effect, they will never use the coin t2) but it’s much stronger vs odd following a doomsayer played t2 (they always coin the fledgling if doomsayer isn’t played and they always dagger up if doomsayer is played t2).
Big Spell Mage Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Your argument is fallacious. It’s true that you can’t block damage with just bodies, but in the first turns you’re vulnerable and u want as many stats as possible. After the first turns u usually play just spells / doomsayer / artificer until jaina or alanna and the mediocre taunt discovered via stonehill too many times remains stuck in your hand for the rest of the game as an irrelevant card. It is also very bad vs divine favor and naturalize.
Big Spell Mage Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
The same at turn 5/6 vs cubelock.
Big Spell Mage Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
At turn 8 vs paladin you can just combo it with a dragon’s fury, but at that point of the game u should have already played them (if u drew them ofc)
Is There Such a Thing as a Too Varied Metagame?
In chronological order:
Good meta: Raza – Tempo Rogue – Cube – Jade (they were all very cool decks and the raza / jade mirrors were very fun; there were other playable decks too such as face hunter, murloc paladin, spiteful priest and secret mage)
Bad meta after the nerfs -> combo priest was frustrating and secret mage was cancer, the only good thing was the return of fatigue warrior and OTK control paladin; cube was op but countered by secret mage and combo priest.
Good meta: Quest Rogue – Even Pally – Cube – Spiteful – MBPriest (the only problematic deck was quest rogue; without n’zoth and mistress cubelock was reasonable strong, it didn’t need a nerf IMO).
Bad meta after the nerfs: evenlock is shittier than cube, odd paladin is shittier than even (pure aggro vs controlish aggro), token and taunt druid are shittier than spiteful (it’s better to lose to a t6 spiteful into tyrantus than to lose vs a t6 oakheart or a t6 wispering + soul), shudderwock without cube, quest and spiteful went out of control. The only good thing is the return of miracle rogue.
Conclusion: premature nerfs aren’t needed and they only damage the game experience.
Big Spell Mage Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Vs paladin harrison is better because at turn 7 (equip vinecleaver, attack, just 2 dudes on board) u have the spot to draw 2 cards (the removal u need to win the game and maybe jaina). 4 armor at that point of the game are most of the times irrelevant.
Big Spell Mage Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Alexstrasza is needed to win in fatigue almost always. Without her u just lose to guldan hero power if you are not able to stick some elementals. For that reason i think that Jinsoo brought the best mage list at HCT summer.
BUT, I don’t understand why the pros prefer stonehill over tar creeper and ooze over harrison. I’ve tested in hundred of games and 2x Tar Creeper + 1x Harrison always felt better than 2x Stonehill Defender + 1x Gluttonous Ooze, especially against cube and paladin, moreover with alexstrasza to win in fatigue against cubelock even with the 3 cards draw of harrison. Against odd rogue ooze is better than harrison but tar creeper is far better than stonehill (tar creeper don’t die to weapon + deadly poison), thus i think that my “package” of taunt/weapon removal is balanced also against odd rogue. Vs odd and miracle rogue harrison is basically a more costly arcane intellect with some stats.
The Hearthstone Nerfs That Hit the Bullseye
The TRUTH is that they nerfed the only deck with a very high skillcap. Nowadays the meta is full of shit and it is very difficult to have a very high wr (> 65%). Even pally, cubelock and spiteful druid were very good decks both to play and to play against; they shaped the meta in a good way and they represented well the different kinds of deck (aggro, midrange, combo). The only deck that truly needed a nerf was quest rogue, not because it was too strong, but because it was so oppressive to control decks such as big spell mage and odd warrior.
Current decks are simply a big pile of shit; I cannot take it after months of playing jade druid, fatigue dmh warrior, raza, cubelock, control lock, etc. 2 months ago I was playing fatigue DMH warrior vs cubelock / control lock in ladder, now I’m playing just shit vs shit… Someone can explain me why? How in the world that’s a good thing?
Ironically the rotation wasn’t what caused the problem, but a brainless nerf after that. The meta would have been very good with unnerfed Cubelock + unnerfed Spiteful Druid + unnerfed Even Paladin + Mind Blast Priest + Odd Warrior + Big Spell Mage etc (quest rogue was the only thing that IMO needed a nerf).
Cubelock Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
You’re such a casual player (lame, misplay, etc) . The TRUTH is that they nerfed the only deck with a very high skillcap. Nowadays the meta is full of shit and it is very difficult to have a very high wr (> 65%). Even pally, cubelock and spiteful druid were very good decks both to play and to play against, they shaped the meta in a good way and they represented well the different types of decks (aggro, midrange, combo). The only deck that truly needed a nerf was quest rogue, not because it was too strong, but because it was so oppressive to control decks such as big spell mage and odd warrior.
Togwaggle Mill Druid Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
2x Starfall are really nice to clear problematic boards…
Even Warlock Deck Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Confirmed, without free molten giants 2 copies of saronite chain gang work a lot better than sunfury protector!
Tempo Mage Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
After KOFT (before the rotation) I played only Raza, Fatigue DMH Warrior, Jade and Cube (when KnC was released). Play those decks and you’ll understand why I think Secret Mage was disgusting (it still is nowadays) both to play and to play against (jade druid was the only deck with a positive winrate vs secret mage).
Even Warlock Deck Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Drain Soul is way better than Plated Beetle and The Black Knight is a must (better than Ooze as tech). Saronite Chain Gang could also be better than Sunfury Protector (Hooked Reaver is not Molten Giant; it already has taunt of its own).
Balance Changes Planned for After HCT Playoffs (End of May)
I agree, but I think the matchup Cubelock vs Spiteful Druid is very favorable to Cubelock if SD doesn’t run 2x weapon removal. Ofc the cubelock player must play around MCT and silence.
Cubelock vs Tempo Mage is not great for cube but it’s still a lot easier than Cubelock vs tempo mage before the rotation (kabal lackey, ice block, kabal crystal runner, medivh’s valet were the most dangerous cards for cube and now they’re all gone).
Balance Changes Planned for After HCT Playoffs (End of May)
The people who complain about losing to cubelock are the worst noobz I have ever met in my card game experience… Cubelock is already vulnerable to hyper offense/weapon removal and without n’zoth after clearing gul’dan the threats are usually over. For example now both warrior and mage can handle rinless cubelock very well with tank up, voodoo doll as an extra removal, two weapon removal, etc.
Moreover the winrate of cubelock is low if it isn’t piloted well, thus it’s not the problem right now.
The truth is that cards like the rogue quest and rin are much more oppressive than carnivorous cube to control decks (without something like dirty rat bis spell mage and odd control warrior insta lose to rin if rin is in the first 20 cards of the opponent’s deck).
Blizz, nerf the cards played by the noobz (call to arms, spiteful summoner, etc) and reward skill, please.
Big Spell Mage Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
IMO 2x Raven Familiar + 1x Harrison Jones are all the draws you need to win most of the games.
Tempo mage is cancer but it really doesn’t need more draw. 1 or 2 arcane intellect + aluneth are more than enough. IDK if luna can take the place of AI, the latter seems more consistent to me.