DestinyXXX's Comments
Rush Warrior - Top 500 Legend (Cora)
Good list, but Tar Creeper is better than Saronite after the nerf. 1-1 is still reasonable, but 2 saronite and 0 tar creeper doesn’t make any sense. Fungalmancer already taken into account (tar creeper + 1-mana drop is still better than saronte to setup fungalmacer and tar creeper protects better what’s already on board).
Odd Warrior Deck List Guide – Rastakhan's Rumble – March 2019
Nope, I don’t think so. Moreover reaching rank 3 day one is not an achievement at all. U could do it in half an hour of play after the reset with any average decent deck.
Odd Warrior Deck List Guide – Rastakhan's Rumble – March 2019
PS: direhorns also always get silenced / polymorphed in the matchups in which they are most needed. Alexstrasza is a fatigue tool as well (in pair with elise, but stronger and quicker) with the benefit that she cannot be silenced. Elise has become “bad” with the release of omega assembly. 2x assembly + elise are too much, too slow and too disfunctional with each other to work well together (it is really bad to open an half pack; as bad as drawing a pack when u need something else…). For these reasons Alex is the way to go.
Odd Warrior Deck List Guide – Rastakhan's Rumble – March 2019
There are some mistakes in the suggested list:
A) shield blocks are really bad / useless with the dragon package (emberscale + baku hp are enough in terms of armor gain and an arcane intellect that draws just 1 is clearly bad in this deck);
B) 2 owls + zola + ooze/harrison (harry is the best in the matchup vs cubelock, which is otherwise really difficult or close to unwinnable without 2 owls and at least 1 weapon removal; lately I started to appreciate harry also vs hunter) are a must in a lot of matchups (cubelock, dr hunter, odd rogue, even paladin, mirror, taunt druid, etc);
C) alexstrasza is better than 2x direhorn (and also better than ysera or elise, tested it) in almost every scenarios (kill your opponent, fatigue, dragon activator). One of the main reason to run the dragon package instead of the old direhorn / faceless / cube / mct package is the ability to clear the opponent’s board WHILE making your own board with an alex in hand.
From “your” list:
-2 shield blocks
+ 1 owl
+ 1 zola
-2 direhorn
+ 1 ooze/harry
+ 1 alex
Odd Warrior Deck List Guide – Rastakhan's Rumble – March 2019
From your list:
-2 shield blocks
+ 1 owl
+ 1 zola
-2 direhorn
+ 1 ooze/harry
+ 1 alex
Odd Warrior Deck List Guide – Rastakhan's Rumble – March 2019
There are a lot of mistakes in the list:
A) shield blocks are really bad cards with the dragon package;
B) 2 owls + zola + ooze/harrison (harry is the best for the matchup vs cubelock which is otherwise really difficult or close to unwinnable without 2 owls and at least 1 weapon removal; lately I started to appreciate harry also vs hunter) are a must in a lot of matchups (cubelock, dr hunter, odd rogue);
C) Alexstrasza is better than 2x direhorn in almost every scenarios (kill your opponent, fatigue, dragon activator).
Odd Dragon Warrior Deck List Guide – Rastakhan’s Rumble – December 2018
Shield Block has become bad/useless with access to Emberscale Drake and you also absolutely need 2x Owl + Zola in some matchups.
-2 Shield Block
+1 Owl
+1 Zola
The 1x Hatchling slot is a tech slot. An unsilenceable Elise the trailblazer (for the mirror and to have a chance vs big spell / odd mage) or a second ooze (maly druid, aggressive paladins) are probably better.
With 2 Ooze you can win vs Kingsbane rogue. If you break the weapon at the right moment and if they don’t draw 2 copies of vanish you can win by simply killing them.
The Many Faces of Shudderwock: Decks for Laddering with Shaman in the Boomsday Meta
*there are
*the keleseth one
The Many Faces of Shudderwock: Decks for Laddering with Shaman in the Boomsday Meta
The shudderwock list dilemma is far from over. For example if there some odd Paladin and token Druid in the ladder / tournament the Pyromancer variant becomes a lot better than the keleseth (see the american seasonal playoff for example). Acolyte of pain is also a lot stronger (it draws cards more consistently) with pyromancers vs slower decks.
Demon Zoo Warlock Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
This one is a more serious decklist: AAECAf0GBo+CA5ziAqr5Ap/CAvIFl9MCDPr+AsII8tAC0/gCzgcw9PcC/dACm8sC980C9wTR4QIA
Demon Zoo Warlock Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Void Analyst is bad, it’s clearly better to just run Keleseth…
Treant Druid Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Wait a minute, will mana treants be considered as treants by the new cards? I don’t think so…
Demonic Project
This will work exactly like dirty rat (the 2/6 body were already nullified by the stats put into play with charge). Now control warlock could become good both against aggro and combo. I’m thinking about a control lock without Rin but with 2x of these, 2x gnomeferatu, maybe zola / elise / banker.
Tweeg's #5 Legend Spiteful Smith Odd Rogue - July 2018
Honestly it’s very hard to say which is better between Cobalt, Greenskin and Spiteful…
Game Mechanics Updates 12.0 Update - More Type Changes, Copy Card & Transform Rule Changes
It’s more “consistent” not to change cards while already “printed” while trying not to screw up in the future. Btw, the most iconic ghostly beast (Arfus) is still a beast.
TheChosenOne's #1 Legend Cubelock - July 2018
I mean, Shadow Bolt is better than Stonehill Defender IMO.
TheChosenOne's #1 Legend Cubelock - July 2018
The second Faceless is almost mandatory to win vs evenlock and in general it is one of the best card of the deck (coin skull, copy voidlord, gg vs aggro). If you don’t wanna play Taldaram, the best 3-mana card is Shadow Bolt, to kill those annoying 4/4 or 3/3 (fledgling, thug, buffed 3/3 vs zoolock, huffer, misha, etc).
Thanks for the reply but I still think that both 2x shield block (a bad cantrip in a deck that doesn’t want to draw in a lot of “winnable” matchups) and 2x direhorn (a bad-statted 5 drop, with a good but counterable side effect, in a deck that already runs a lot of good 5 drops, like the new 5-mana dragons, zilliax and supercollider) are “leftovers” from the old non-dragon list.