DeadlyBlinke's Comments
Ysiel Windsinger
Overrated card imo. 3/5 stars it might get stronger next xpac but not nearly enough cards now to support this, even if we get 3 more strong druid spells this xpac.
HSTD 5x Ashes of Outlands Pre-Purchase Giveaway! (55 Packs + Golden Legendary + Card Back)
Good luck all! I hope druid gets more support than mage this xpac:(
Damn a full board clear and a 12/12 for 4 mana. Very insane card 6/5stars!
Imprisoned Vilefiend
Devoted Maniac didn’t turn out to be good at all. You only play that card in order to invoke, if there were better invoke options those card would have been used instead. Very weak card and it will not see play no matter what.
Apexis Smuggler
It`s just too clunky and not really worth it. The minion by it self is pretty weak and the effect is hard enough to pull off the result is not worth it either, too many garbage spells in the pool. Again weak card won`t see much play.
Apexis Smuggler
Too clunky you gotta use too many resources for that and it`s not really worth it tons of better cards to fill that in with.
Kayn Sunfury
It is literally the best class right now if not the second best class and none of rouges best cards is rotating out so I don’t think so bruh
For an epic it would have been fine but this is using up a legend slot in this expac, pretty bad legendary if u ask me and it finds no place in mage except for cyclone mage as I stated earlier which is t4 at the moment might go up to t3 now.
The prime card Isn’t even good and mage is one of the strongest classes? Lmao what game have you been playing.
Kayn Sunfury
5/5 insanely strong. Looks like hunter rouge and demon hunter is gonna dominate this meta.
Insane amount of value? If you play this in quest generate random mage which is extremely weak then maybe this card is ok. If you play it in the only competitive mage deck in this meta which is Highlander mage which first of all got a fairly full hand at all times where will this spell fit in? You have 8 cards in your hand and get 2 elemental allies now what? When is this card ever going to be useful in a competitive deck? How is this card rated so high? It’s literally useless.
Fungal Fortunes
Spell Druid won’t be a thing before next expansions or even later than that useless as of now 2/5stars
Garbage card.. Mage is officially a dead class. True rng class 2/5 stars. If it would have kept the spells it would have been 3.5 stars..
Op af. Looks like fun playing not so much against.