DeadlyBlinke's Comments
Frosty Décor
A bit expensive but extremely tanky. Has the potential to mitigate an absurd amount of damage for a mere cost of 5 mana. This will mainly see value from being discovered but will probably also be ran in rainbow shaman and/or dk. 3.5 stars, despite offering huge sustain.
A slightly inferior elemental inspiration on a 4/4 body. However, the main reason elemental inspiration saw play was due to the real pay off, from Siff. In some alterations of the respective meta when rainbow mage was prevalent, elemental inspiration was extremely strong. Now it sees little play in the more modern versions of rainbow mage. If this will see play or not, all depends on the further support for “rainbow” shaman/dk.
I think in rainbow dk this will be a welcomed addition, we will see about shaman. 4/5 stars.
Carress, Cabaret Star
Honestly not too strong, but very versatile. Similar to Lady Naz’jar which saw a fair amount of play later in the meta. The options here are in many cases weaker, but the real strength lies in that it has so many uses. I’d say this card is clearly a 4 star card.
Maestra, Mask Merchant
Big potential but realistically speaking you give up way too much by playing this on turn 6 and praying for a useful hero card. In a slow meta this is playable. Will be ran mainly for the tourist effect. 2 stars
Treasure Hunter Eudora
Tremendously slow. Feels like the Velarok situation all over, before it got buffed. 2 stars.
I think Levi is exaggerating massively. Sure the card will clog up your hand until it’s reasonable to play it but under the right circumstances this is essentially an og 4 mana slef heal Alexstrasza. Will it be ran in a deck, though? Probably not. 3 stars if there will be further support for self damaging play styles or more side board cards such as etc.
Domino Effect
Insane card. Instant win vs swarm Hunter. 5 stars unless the current meta changes drastically
Dubious Purchase
With prep this is very good, without not so much. Going second with a coin could also help tremendously, but what if you lack both?; prep and coin I mean. Then not so much. For now 3 stars.
Snuggle Teddy
I don’t really see this being played in Druid atm. Sure an elusive 8/8 life steal taunt seems great and it is but Druid can already do way more oppressive plays for cheaper. We will see what happens.
Not what hearthstone needs more of. Less player agency while already making Druid even more polarizing. Luckily there’s not too much ramp for Druid anymore, but in conjunction with Eonar this just screams problem card.
Good. Keep milking the whales in order to let the game stay afloat a little longer