DarkAviator's Comments
21.2 Patch Notes - Nerfs to Stealer of Souls & Flesh Giant, Battlegrounds Revamp, Mercenaries Pre-Purchase, Book of Mercenaries Tamsin
I somehow thought the new BG minions were actually tested. Doesn’t seem like it.
Shop Update: Three Mercenaries Pre-Purchase Bundles, More Battlegrounds Cosmetics
I get that they have to earn their keep somehow, but I’ll never understand prices for free to play stuff being as high as AAA buy once play forever games.
United in Stormwind is Now Live! Happy Expansion Day Everyone!
Ah, thanks for the reply.
United in Stormwind is Now Live! Happy Expansion Day Everyone!
I seem to remember there were battlegrounds changes announced for it? Where are those?
And, since the old BG pass expired, where’s the new one?
Is Core Set Successful? Which Cards Are the Best and How Many See Play?
Not a fresh account at all 😀
But since I don’t invest any money in this, my card selection is limited. Thanks for the deck code, I’m sure someone will find it useful.
Is Core Set Successful? Which Cards Are the Best and How Many See Play?
Never played that far (iirc silver was highest). Before the new quest system, I rarely played more than the 5 ranked wins per month required for the card back.
I simply don’t like building decks, so I mainly played the base decks with a few alterations here and there. With the base DH deck, that deck had a good amount of synergy (unlike the other base decks). The new core decks are as bad as the old non DH base decks, no synergy whatsoever. Couldn’t try any of the other ingame prebuilt decks since I lack the cards and the system to replace them with something I have misses the (likely) point of the card most of the time.
With build codes from here or other sites, the issue is the same.
Is Core Set Successful? Which Cards Are the Best and How Many See Play?
For me their introduction will forever be tainted by the destruction of the base DH deck. With that, you could get your weekly 5 wins in a decent amount of games (about 10-15 I’d say). With the new core deck (or those of other classes, I tried them all): No luck. At all.
So with the core cards, ranked died for me (wasn’t that active there anyway). I’m just glad I can reroll that stupid weekly quest finally.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Heroes Tier List & Guide - Best Available Heroes & Strategies - August 2023
Eudora is overvalued in this list. Sure, you pay only 5 gold for a golden minion, but since there is just so much junk out there, you might be better off not having a hero power. At least your board presence would be better then.
Shop Update: Mecha-Jaraxxus Hero Set Available For $14.99 / €14.99 (No Gold Option)
I might’ve been tempted to buy it for gold. Not tempted to invest real money.
How To Get Mysteries of the Phoenix Card Back - Barrens Secret "???" Achievement - FULL SOLUTION INSIDE!
Worked like a charm, thanks for the information, and HUGE thanks to all who contributed to solving this!
How To Get Mysteries of the Phoenix Card Back - Barrens Secret "???" Achievement - FULL SOLUTION INSIDE!
Well, I just hope it doesn’t involve winning anything related to winning in ranked mode.
YouTube Drops Activated For Hearthstone Tournaments, Earn Up To 6 Card Packs For The Upcoming Grandmasters Season 1 (Starting April 9)
I hope you’ll remind us when the streams actually happen. 🙂
The Best Forged in the Barrens Decks From the First Days
I don’t like building decks, so I mainly used the basic decks for each class, exchanging standard for golden cards and some few cards I didn’t like. With the default DH deck, I even played for more than 5 wins in some months.
The old basic decks had to be replaced with the patch. Instead of some “reset to default” option to reset a deck to its (new) starter version, you could only select “convert to standard”. Which kinda randomly choses replacements, even changing “inspire (old)” to something else instead of just “inspire (new)”. Or, my favourite was the conversion of the mage deck, where the resulting deck included a minion that brings one of your secrets into play – but no secrets at all. So, converting wasn’t an option.
So, deleting old decks and using the deck wizard to create core decks. But: there is no point in playing these. Might be the “new” bronze (7) meta, but they don’t work in the lowest rank there is in the game.
And don’t get me started on the new (core) DH deck. With the old one, I could win 1 out of 2 or 3 games, the new one has no equivalent to the legendary dragon, no board clear, nothing.
I never liked building decks. With the patch, I won’t bother with ranked anymore.
Battlegrounds Rating Distribution - In Which % of Playerbase You Are Based on Your Rank
Only 4k here. Too many mistakes, and in some turns, I’m too slow to use all gold available.
And also only 2 heroes to chose from (I won’t pay for the pass as long as arena tickets are included).
Can You Build Decks From Just the Hearthstone Core Set Cards? Theorycrafting Free & Budget Core Set Decks
I avoid building decks most of the time, but changed the basic sets here and there over the years. So I just hope I’ll be able to reset those to the new base class sets.
Iksar's Comments About Achievements, Bug Fixes, Balance Update & Mini-Set
yup, also happens for me. I’m not sure if it’s always been that way, I seem to remember it working correct some weeks ago.
Still looks quite confusing. Probably won’t be a mode for me (not claiming that it has to).