DannyN's Comments
Keymaster Alabaster
Really powerful; gives you insight as to what your opponent top decks and will always get you at least 1 card unless it somehow dies upon being summoned.
Headmaster Kel'Thuzad
summon is always on your side unless it specifies “for your opponent”
Gift of Luminance
Definitely great on convincing infiltrator. Adds to the ress pool for priest and gives a taunt with divine shield that is already a strong removal.
Wretched Tutor
Missed opportunity for this card to actually be a tutor. (Pulling a specific type of card from a deck)
Watch for this to be an auto-include in every deck this upcoming Dragons expansion!
Couldn’t this card possibly draw 4 cards? (If you draw something like a candle or something copied from Shadow of Death or Fellhound Portal, it doesn’t count as a draw right? so it auto draws the next card on top of your deck for you to replace itself?)
Disciple of Galakrond
So this card can get itself from Galakrond’s HP for infinite value
For the embalming ritual, I’m wondering if the reborn Siamat would even keep it’s buffs since it’s not printed on the card originally, but given as a battlecry… The Bloodsworn combo should work though since it’s just summoning a copy of something already modified on the field. Reborns probably don’t work that way though.
Rapid Fire
But I was looking for a card just like this!! Yes.. It is becoming more possible. heh.
Rapid Fire
I actually already created a deck just for Maly Hunter. Stay tuned to see it suck ass though.
Da Undatakah
Immortal Prelate’s text is
Deathrattle: Shuffle this into your deck.
notice the period. THEN
It keeps any enchantments. The “it keeps any enchantments” is NOT part of the deathrattle effect.
Brazen Zealot, Knife Juggler, History Buff, Questing Adventurer, and holy shit DARKGLARE synergy.