DannyN's Comments
Souleater's Scythe
Insanely strong in minionless Demon Hunter since that is clearly what they’re going for this expansion. You get to put 3 really strong minions that you may need in your deck while still triggering the “if your deck has no minions”
Sister Svalna
I’m guessing it doesn’t keep it’s cost reductions? If you reduced it by 3 and it kept its cost… infinite generation per turn.
Umbral Geist
Great for Magister Dawngrasp and Multicasater in decks that don’t have access to shadow spells
It’s always based on order they were played. You can see this apply in many scenarios such as if your hand was almost full and someone played Vanish. The cards that will be picked to return to your hand will be the ones first played. The rest die in the order that they were summoned
Masked Reveler
Just tested it out myself. It does not infinite loop. It really is ANOTHER minion.
No actually, I was just saying if the opponent just so happens to not kill it, you could easily bump it, if they did kill it, you still get the reduction effect… But in general the card could very good for most shadow spells. That was just one example.
turn 3 play this. if it lives trade it into an enemy and cast a 2 mana shadow waltz for two 3/5’s. and you still have two more mana to do whatever else like HP.
I think what you’re all missing about this is the fact that it is built around a volatile skeleton deck (obviously), but what this means is that if your board is full of skeletons, you can use the spell after going face with all your skeletons on board and then reset the field and have more skeletons back on the board while exploding your own skeletons for even more damage to enemies due to their deathrattle.
I could see Mark using this + Mogor the Ogre for a chance at 24 damage to face, maybe buff it up somehow to do OTK
prob cause the main body’s effect will add +2 to both the minion and the weapon.
All of the comments here seem like they’re misreading the text as “a friendly minion” it says A minion. That is insane. Don’t need your own minions. Put it on some enemy minion and it is a constant threat to their own board.
Xyrella, the Devout
“every friendly” keyword being every. So it can repeat deathrattles that triggered multiple times…
There’s definitely going to be an OTK with Shadowed Spirit and this hero card. (Resurrect or resummon or become copies of Shadowed Spirit 10 times and you got a hero card that does 30 damage to face.)
Shadowcrafter Scabbs
Surely, there’s some kind of Lady Prestor (in order to get Coldarra Drake) + this hero power to do some kind of APM Miracle Rogue shenanigans!
Rune of the Archmage
Nah it just targets enemies if possible, but if it doesn’t target then it just does whatever the effect is, similar to Solarian Prime I’d think.
Magister Dawngrasp
Did they change it within the last two days? Because Mask of C’thun is already considered a shadow spell rn… plus there’s lots of good high cost spells from different schools that won’t target your own face such as Grand Finale, Deep Freeze, Flamestrike, and that new Mass Polymorph (albeit that targets everything so it wouldn’t be good unless Mass Polymorph gets cast before all the other ones listed prior), and if you don’t wanna run Mass Polymorph cause it counteracts the other cards I listed then there’s always Arcane Overflow. All of these only target enemies or aren’t targets at all.
zerek’s cloning gallery, from de other side, Flark’s Boom-Zooka… what else…