Crxne's Comments
Quest Rogue for Kobolds and Catacombs
That’s good ! I would run eviscerate instead of Undercity Huckster
I like it ! Good idea ! I would definitely play the DK and both Deathwing in this deck ! Thus I really think the spell I know a guy is too weak and it would be worth it to play 2 whirlwinds or 2 shield slams. Will try this out when the expansion is here!
Midrange Keleseth Paladin - November 2017
Because Vicious Fledgling is an aggressive card on my opinion and you don’t to hold the board with it, you want to go face and adapt it.
Midrange Keleseth Paladin - November 2017
I recommend you to play Marin the Fox with the turn Kodo so you don’t lose your draw on the Curator and gets more midrange/control cards.
Midrange Keleseth Paladin - November 2017
Deck is good but I’d cut one or two weapons. 4 weapons is too much in a Paladin deck, if you consider this as a midrange deck then you should really add Consecration and equality (or 2 consecration). Check my paladin deck lists on my profile if you want to see other paladin decks, I made many of them.
Wild Patron Warrior (1.0)
Deck is cool but I truly recommend you to stop playing Fiery War Axe or at least play only one, thus Blood Razor can replace one Death’s Bite for its double whirlwind effect. I also think your N’Zoth is pretty weak, maybe you can add Cairn Bloodhoof if you have it and doing so you will be able to play only one War Axe
OTK Paladin w/ Marin
The deck is viable of course, I played for a long time. There are a lot of removal but here one consecration was cut maybe for the quest or Marin so maybe it’s a little weak. I mean having equality – pyromancer or equality – consecration is a necessity, when you don’t have it you always lose. That’s the big problem of control paladin you’re so dependant of this combo
OTK Paladin w/ Marin
Hm hm I think you just forgot you only have 2 spells that can target your minions… and eventually Lay on Hands but that’s the kind of heal you want to keep for your hero. Obviously you try to fit the quest in this archetype but honestly it is not a good idea, you could use it in a different style, for example a Keleseth deck which would be kind of a midrange Paladinbased on buffing your minions and using synergies like the epic on turn one that draws a card if it has at least 2 attack. I play the OTK paladin and paladin in general since the beginning of Hearthstone so I know what i’m saying. Maybe you could adapt the deck to be more efficient with the quest, but here there’s no way you can achieve it.
Goya Hunter
That’s the kind of deck I like to see, you can even add Hemet to be sure you only get your late game. Great one!
SpellHandlock V 1.0
Hey that’ a very good idea adding arcane giants ! I’m gonna try this out but maybe I will modify some cards, I think it would be better if you play Mediv instead of Marin (to get more value from spells) and I would remove the Bonemares because Guldan is gonna be too weak when you play it.
+1 for you whatever
Shaman ctrl
Deck looks great but why do you play Jade Lightning and not Tidal Surge ? Jade Lightning is way less useful in this archetype bc you don’t play around Jade. Thus Al’Akir is clearly good if you play Corpsetakers, well this is not the case so I think another minion would be more efficient such as Baron Geddon, or Kalimos if you add some elementals. If you want to keep Al’Akir as a “finisher” then you could play it with a tech card that gives him ore attack on the turn it’s played. I think you could also add one Volcano, this removal is so strong!
I’ll try your deck bc I really love control shaman.
Thanks for the decklist 🙂
Giant Overload Elemental Shaman (October 2017)
And Volcano is even more useful because it reduces the cost of both Snowfury giants and Arcane giants. It gives a great boardclear that a Voodoo Hexxer couldn’t clean.
Giant Overload Elemental Shaman (October 2017)
Hey, this deck looks great but I think there’s a big problem : you truly lack of overload (6 mana actually) and Snowfury giants won’t be effective, I mean there are really good cards such as Volcano which would be way more efficient than Voodoo Hexxer dont you think ? Of course it creates some tempo with the Freeze but I think that adding one or two Volcano and the turn 4 that heals for 6 health a friendly character with one overload would be way stronger. Thus you may use Earth Elemental which works great with Barns and Ancestral Spirit.
Whatever I love this deck but some modifications would bring it to top level for sure !
That’s the kind of deck im gonna try in ranked mode, thanks for uploading it! If you want to do a proper description you should add the card’s link by clicking on the card in your deck list once you’re making the description 🙂
The card is good from the moment you can adapt your choices depending on the situation but the effects are weak for the cost : compare it to Shield Block for warrior, here you get 6 armor and draw a card for 4, so it’s weaker, the card is excellent with Fandral but i’m pretty sure that if it’s played, we will only run one Branching Paths; Whatever the card has a potential.