CrazyCameron127's Comments
Chef Nomi
Mecha’thun exists, and I would say if you wanted to go into fatigue, use Mecha’thun as a finisher. However, almost all Mecha’thun OTK combos are rotating out this year, so using this card isn’t out of the question. The problem is 1. This is a dead card before fatigue 2. It doesn’t save you from lethal and 3. Since it takes a turn to attack, it’s vulnerable to AoE clears. It’s a powerful card, but not the most practical.
Arch-Villain Rafaam
The only question I have is: Why warlock? This is the leader of EVIL and the mascot of this expansion, so why class specific? Warlock could see some use with this, it has a great statline and powerful (even if random) effect. I just don’t understand why it’s not a neutral card.
I’m not too sure how this will do, as you have to activate it’s combo in order to get the lackeys, and the 3 mana slot, even 3 mana combo slot, for rogue is filled already. But the lackeys are pretty powerful for their 1 cost (and have good flavor), so I might consider substituting SI:7 agent out for this.