Bling's Comments
Hearthstone Standard: Which Cards Should be Added to the Classic Set?
You must be thinking of lightning storm, the 3 mana deal 2-3 damage to the board overload 2
New Hearthstone Welcome Bundle: 10 Classic Hearthstone Packs, 1 Random Legendary Card ($4.99 USD)
When will this be able to be purchased?
Ownerism's Midrange Shaman - #1 NA Legend (September 2016, Season 30) Deck List Guide
Is Al’Akir worth crafting for this deck? Or whats a viable replacement.
Shade of Aran Boss Guide & Information - One Night in Karazhan
You put Avian watcher as aviant BTW
Reynad's Tempo Rogue w/Swashburglar (August 2016, Season 29)
Replacement for Leeroy???
Reynad's Secret Paladin w/Moroes & Avian Watcher (August 2016, Season 29)
The only good barnes target is tirion
Reynad's Secret Paladin w/Moroes & Avian Watcher (August 2016, Season 29)
Because people hate secret Pali and doctor 6 so they down vote it so people dont play it XD
Barnes/Resurrection Control 29th season
The biggest problem in my eyes is that you have cards that don’t have immediate effects. Paletress and Nexus don’t do anything if they are pulled on 4 or rezed really. You need to pay an extra 2 mana to make them do something. if you were powering up Yogg i would suggest Nexus, but you don’t run him. Another thing is that Rez decks play fast for a priest deck. You want a blademaster so you can rez it and then turn 5 rez another, barens can be cool because you can get a big minion to kill of then rez again, and this deck doesn’t play like that, meaning its losing whats good about it in the first place. I hope this helps, and all of this is constructive criticism. I do think your on to something, and im sure there will be arctypes of rez preist, maybe your onto one of those. Have a nice day.
Amaz's Resurrect Barnes Control Priest (August 2016, Season 29)
She is really good barnes value, and combo that with rez you could just have multiple early Yseras which are crazy PLUS even without rez a 4 mana 3/4 gain a dream card is really good too.She cab also be pulled by a yshaarj pulled by barnes. soggoth on the otherhand is as great. She is also great against a control deck, howver there will be games where she isnt used. If your looking to replace her, maybe a thaursan or carine will suit you better.
Secrets of the Old Gods (C'Thun Secret Paladin)
I would cut out the sacred trial, i’m replacing it with sylvanas if you don’t have her.
Buff the Pally Dragon [Standard][Season 26]
Yeah Durg, there any way u can DM me? I would love to help you out!
Buff the Pally Dragon [Standard][Season 26]
I have her and definitely wouldn’t say she is worth crafting. I rarely find a use for her these days. I only really used her in pre standard dragon priest.
Buff the Pally Dragon [Standard][Season 26]
Well the thing with Alex is that you either set up for lethal or you heal a good amount, but it doesn’t do crazy amounts in this deck. I would definitely use Ysera over Alex, but I wouldnt mind testing both out if you want to know which to craft.
Buff the Pally Dragon [Standard][Season 26]
I would personally use Senjin over the cyclopean horror. Usually you are hitting the buff with 1-2 minions on the board unless they have a full board, in which most cases the +1 health per minion would be very helpful. I would also run PeaceKeeper over the Ironfurs. My last change would be to use Ysera over Rag, I don’t actually own him, but I feel like another big body dragon would be helpful.
Thijs' (Standard) Reno C'thun Warlock - Season 26, May 2016
Any Replacement for Twisting Nether, i don’t have doom either
Zetalot's Standard Control Priest (May 2016, Season 26)
would Regular Hogger work at all?
Amaz's Season 26 (Standard) Miracle Rogue
I think you can craft him these days! To test I disenchanted a stoneskin gargoyal and was able to re enchant it! hope this helps. Also, its not just nax, I can DE my reno as well!
StrifeCro's N'Zoth Paladin (Standard, Season 26)
I wish, but its part of blackrock, meaning you need to pay 25 bucks and beat all of the wings to get it
The heartstone team has stated they wont re print cards. I do love re prints like in pokemon TCG so I do hope that stuff from older sets will come back in one way or another.