Bling's Comments
Dispatch Kodo
Keep in mind, we are losing BRM, LoE, and TGT soon. Maybe they are pushing these cards we see as bad stated now will be seen differently in the new Standard. In TGT it seemed like 5/6 for 5 mana was a power creep and couldn’t have a good effect or it would be OP, but now we have the 5/6 rouge card and the 5/6 priest card. This is just one example of them being able to control what is and isn’t good or bad stat wise.
Shaky Zipgunner
This gets destroyed by 3/4 but it still might be viable, maybe in an aggro deck.
Grimestreet Pawnbroker
They seem to really be pushing the whole buff a card in your hand idea. It might be bad for a bit but when the Standard year rotates, we will see because it will remove a lot of meta cards.
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Hearthstone Expansion Information, Guide, Teasers, Lore, and More!
Oh yeah totally, I’m amazed keeping up! Great job!
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Hearthstone Expansion Information, Guide, Teasers, Lore, and More!
BTW Evident you left the top description of the page saying that we don’t have a name for it yet, which we do XD. Hope this helps
Tavern Brawl - Yellow-Brick Brawl
Aggro Shaman:
Argent Squire
Dust Devil
Spirit Claws
Tunnel Trogg
Lava Shock
Maelstrom Portal
Totem Golem
Whirling Zapomatic
Lightning Storm
Put the windfury on the charge side and bigger things on the health side if you need them, save if you lose board and try to clear taunts with board clear.
JAB's Dragon Priest - Top 100 Legend (October 2016, Season 31)
I would probably use a single excavated evil
Third Hearthstone Expansion Hint: Gadgetzan Gazette Number Two!
Could be a chance to fill in the missing dragon slots for when Blackrock rotates out.
Second Hearthstone Expansion Hint - The Gadgetzan Gazette! (Also, Conversation w/Talan)
Will the expansion be in the standard year after the Kraken or will we lose it in the first expansion of 2017? If so y even get these cards
Second Hearthstone Expansion Hint - The Gadgetzan Gazette! (Also, Conversation w/Talan)
I wonder if maybe we will get a new race card for goblins. Or maybe it will just be pirates.
Gaara's Dragon Priest (October 2016, Season 31)
What are you talking about. Spirit Claws bro. that card can make a break a game. Uber cheap and can be a ping if you need it and a better war axe in other situations. Taking those away can win you the game.
Hearthstone World Championship - Choose Your Champion (Get Free The Grand Tournament Packs!)
This really seems like an amazing alternative to betting (We are looking at you CSGO) its also completely free!
Savjz's N'Zoth Shaman (October 2016, Season 31)
TFW you have all the legendaries for the deck but only 1 of the 4 epics
Heroic Tavern Brawl - Hearthstone's Tournament Mode Trial (Upcoming Tavern Brawl)
This looks great and we can only assume that this will be this new feature coming (possibly around Blizzcon) but i feel its just going to be flooded with people who aren’t interested in having fun, but more about playing annoying tier 1 decks (looking at you midrange shammy) and going to be a waste for many people. That doesn’t mean its a bad idea, we just need some more balancing to make this a fully fledged and fun thing.
ShtanUdachi's Anyfin Murloc Paladin - #1 EU Legend (October 2016, Season 31)
Would Ivory Knight or Forbidden Healing be a better replacement for LightLord?
Tavern Brawl A Friendly Game of Chess
No its def black, if you play correctly your opponent cant get the double trade often enough to win. Coin is the killer
Upcoming Nerfs to Shaman, Warrior, Hunter, Abusive Sergeant & Yogg-Saron, Hope's End! - September 2016
Lol love the name and I kind of agree with you. I think that one HUGE chace card like Yogg is fine, idk why they nerfed him. Im not super into the competitive scene of HS but I do understand that he was a bit of a problem there. Oh well, least i can DC him for full
Jambre's Secret Paladin (October 2016, Season 31)
Whoa no 2 drops at all? Do we know why?
I guess mage is getting a worse demon wrath, not bad at all. Reno mage is nice for the short time we have the combo of Reno and MSoG and this helps that definitely.