alsozatch's Comments
Theo's #46 Legend N'Zoth Control Mage (February 2018)
I love this type of mage. I play a similar version in Wild. You might want to try running a mistress of mixtures, cause having a 1 drop against aggro is huge. In my version I run a more threat oriented build with Medivh and Dr.Boom instead of Sindragosa/Curator.
Theo's #46 Legend N'Zoth Control Mage (February 2018)
If you have bloodmage thalnos, that might work too. It at least cycles itself, and makes your blizzards much stronger
Theo's #46 Legend N'Zoth Control Mage (February 2018)
Really? Oracle over Acolyte? Oracle has such a ridiculous downside
Revatus's Tempo Mech Mage (January 2018)
>no mimirons head???
cool deck though, I used to play mech mage all the time it was really fun
you don’t seem to know what exodia is. Exodia is a reference to exodia in yugioh, which is a set of 5 cards that when you have all of them you immediately win the game. Exodia mage is when you play archmage antonidas with 4 sorcerers apprentices for infinite fireballs.
this deck doesnt have antonidas sooo
Sipwi's #1 Legend Wild Aggro Token Druid (Kobolds and Catacombs)
Sounds interesting. Also swaps the health of taunt minions like voidlord
Lunaco's Wild Tempo Mage - #4 Legend (August 2017)
I mean, the deck is alright.. I think a better modification is:
-2 Arcane Blast
+2 Fireball
This allows you to hurt the enemy directly when you need more burn
Tavern Brawl - By The Power of Ragnaros
Turn 6/7 seems really really fast. Seems like an exxageration… what does your list look like?
Tavern Brawl - By The Power of Ragnaros
Spent a couple of days crafting this list. I recommend you guys check it out
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
and by that time your 4/3 weapon won’t do much against the larger minions they will start to play like savannah highmane, tirion fordring, the lich king.
I’n a deck where you want the new hero power, I’m sure you will already be running fiery war axes and blood razors, so shadowmourne is no where near enough of an upgrade for 9 mana. It’s not hard to see why garrosh isnt used
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
imo garrosh death knight hero sucks. the hero power is barely passable.. by the time I play the hero I’d much rather have armor up. I see the hero power as a downgrade in most cases, so its hardly worth it for a 9 cost shadow mourne.
Sparkz' - KFT Miracle Tempo Mage [Feat: Toshley] (Season 41, Wild)
Hmm. Also the freeze seems like a much higher value effect in the late game, since your goal it to use these cheap spells possibly with Gadgetzan.
I play wild mostly, and I exclusively play mage. I love this class cause it can play every archetype, so I pretty much disenchant every other class and craft mage in gold. Do you think Toshley is a worthwhile craft in gold for wild decks mage decks? It seems you quite like Toshley lol, and I’m sure spell synergies will only grow in the future.
Sparkz' - KFT Miracle Tempo Mage [Feat: Toshley] (Season 41, Wild)
Is freezing with Breath of Sindragosa really better than choosing your target with Arcane Blast?
KFT Frost Lich Jaina Control Mage Deck List Guide (August 2017, Standard) - Theorycraft
Alright I understand that. I haven’t had much problem using him when I’m not Frost Lich Jaina though, he used to be a staple legendary in control warrior and he is still good. I just love sealing out a game after playing Geddon as frost lich and healing to nearly full and then having my opponent concede lol.
How is the Lich King working out? A lot of the death knight cards are dead in a control deck, particularly the self milling and damaging ones. Dead Knight cards seem much better suited for a midrange deck that includes a few high impact heavyweight cards, like a midrange paladin that tops off with lich king, tirion, and rag lightlord.
Btw don’t worry about the dislikes lol. You’re target audience are people who have to netdeck to play the game, and can only with with aggro decks lol.
KFT Frost Lich Jaina Control Mage Deck List Guide (August 2017, Standard) - Theorycraft
Try out baron geddon. His effect heals you when you a frost lich jaina.
Snowfury Giant
Yes… they now can. This is an 11 cost minion, of which there used to be none. Now 10 mana minions can evolve into this giant, and this minion can evolve into 12 mana giants
Mrrgglton and the 1 Scientist are super unorthodox. Is the scientist necessary to fuel your call to arms? Mrrgglton makes sense I guess, although it’s anti synergy with tarim unless you get totems. Steady Shot and Life Tap are borked