alsozatch's Comments
Festeroot Hulk
Maybe not on the same power level of Darkshire Librarian, but Blizzard shoving rush warrior down your throat it’s pretty clear this is a strong card.
The Witchwood Guide, Release Date, Card Spoilers List, Monster Hunt
So far, this set looks to be very low power, compared to Frozen Throne and Kobolds.
Also, this site has gone to shit with the bs Amazon gift card popups on mobile. It is completely un-viewable on mobile. The second you open up this site it redirects you to some fake amazon scam and the back button doesn’t even bring you back here. It was downright impossible to do anything on mobile, so I’m typing this on my computer. If the shitty redirect isn’t removed then I’m sure lots of people will stop coming here on mobile.
First deck
Try using Water Elementals instead of Oasis Snapjaw. Dire Wolf Alpha is usually considered better than Raid Leader too
Fibonacci's #8 Legend Mill/Fatigue Warrior (March 2018)
This deck seems like one of the hardest decks to play ever. The dead mans hand dynamic has so many decisions
Rookz's Val'anyr Swarm
Drygulch Jailor is a nice addition since you want to use Smuggler’s Run, but I have to question some of your card choices. Coldlight Oracle is one, that card is honestly really bad. Unless you are playing a mill deck, sinking 3 mana to give your opponent 2 cards usually makes you worse off. Acolyte of Pain seems like a much more feasible draw option.
Other options to consider are the 2nd Spellbreaker and Spiritsinger Umbra, since Umbra combos with your Val’anyr minions extremely well. Might want to replace the Grimestreet Enforcer with one of these.
But yeah, the main thing holding this deck back is drawing Val’anyr, just like drawing Aluneth in burn mage. This deck would probably be tier 1 if Pally had Cavern Shinyfinder.
Two New Echo Cards Revealed - Hearthside Chat with Peter Whalen!
Ghost is seen in the Witchwood trailer video
Matff's #1 Legend Secret Mage (March 2018)
Lol 0 neutral cards. I have a hunch the new expansion is gonna have strong neutral cards though
Saying Goodbye to Year of the Kraken’s Cards – Part 2: The Cards We Won't Miss
I won’t miss any of them. Cause I play wild
Baku the Mooneater Quest Warrior (Post Kraken Rotation)
Sleepy Dragon, Ysera, Mithril Spellstone, and the 2nd Gorehowl all suck. 2nd Brawl is mandatory, it’s practically the best Warrior card. Baku allows you to Tank Up early turns instead of removing minions and then just Brawl away their board.
DevilDub - Wild - Rogue Pirate Face v3.0
Genzo is a neat idea but think Captain greenskin functions better. Genzo just dies a lot of the time since you give up board control to go face. Also, Elven Mistrel is an amazing draw card you can try
Baku the Mooneater
Thrall Is 5 mana. This shows great promise for Warrior in standard where it is missing Justicar. Priest can work with it well too, possibly activating Injured Blademaster consistently.
Baku the Mooneater
Holy essay.
Genn only reduces the cost of your starting hero power, so there is no combo with shadowreaper.
It is spelled Rogue not Rouge. 0 is of course even. 0 has been even in mathematics forever.
I like the 4 health priest heropower, it’s very powerful, and you get to keep Northshire, Talonpriest, PW Shield and other good tempo cards. Fel Orc Soulfiend and Injured Blademaster show promise with the 4 healing power. Still lose a lot, will have to see if it works out.
You are severely underestimating the power of starting the game with upgraded shaman hero power. Playing a spell power totem on the turn w/ lightning storm and maelstrom portal or consistent taunt totems or heal totems when you can heal your board is strong.
Overall, Priest, Shaman, and Hunter seem like worthy candidates for this guy. Warlock’s upgraded power is hardly an improvement, and Rogue, Paladin, and Mage lose too much. There might be some merit for Warrior, delending if the rest of this set can compensate for what was lost.
WILD MECH MAGE! Wow, I didn’t think they could do it, but this absolutely revives wild mech mage. You can even run Spiteful Summoner with very little spells.