acanca's Comments
Huh, good idea actually. Turn 5/6 pocket galaxy could bring back big mage. Nice catch.
Zzeraku the Warped
Agreed, the mana cost is def. a mistake. I could see a card like this being played at at most 6 mana. After that its just too gimmicky.
There is probably a critical mass of face damage elementals you can print before elemental shaman becomes secret mage v2 in wild.
Kobold Stickyfinger
We have seen steal mechanic before for minions. This shouldnt trigger deathrattle and you shouldnt destroy and equip. You should get it with however much attack and durability the weapon had when you stole it.
Probably because of the long description. This is as concise as it can get for the effect but it still feels like a word salad.