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Archmage Vargoth
So easy 15 damage with priest or 20 if you have only one extra copy of face damage spell.
Or a great buff booster for aggressive classes.
Crystalsong Portal
Seems a bit to unspecified. Discover Murloc, beast or mech cards are good because you know what you get. This only seems good if you get stuck and despret for more minions even if all of them are 1/1 minions or 10/10.
But guess I will see if people find uses for it.
If the rush part only apply to the first attack, then this will be a horror show in wild.
Catrina Muerte
Yes many good points, but if I play a taunt druid I personally rather have a KEL’THUZAD behind them, but we will see. Guess I can have both, maybe.
Catrina Muerte
It’s one revive, KEL’THUZAD revives a whole board.
I just don’t see how this is going to be better except that one time you need a extra revive and all your minions have already been whipped of the board. A positive thing is that it can revive itself of course. So you can have a board with this…
First I though it was a rouge card and almost had a heart-attack… This will be okay, and not insanely murderous. 😀
Heistbaron Togwaggle
So togg, shuffle nine into your deck. Pick wand, draw at least a new one pick goblet and continue.
Rise of Shadows Card Reveal Schedule
Only because at 26 (25 in some places) of march there will be a reveal video followed by a few card reveals each day. Instead of only a few random cards spread out like it has been done so far this expansion. At least that is how I understood it.
Yes sylvanas is good, and you can have her to, but it’s not all decks that actually have minions to steal. (Combo-decks) and against for example murloc or pirate decks, you don’t want to accidentally steal a let’s say 2 mana 4/3 minion that thanks to the loss of all the other boost minions on the enemies field only turn into a 2/1 or something. Then it’s just better to get out your own type of big effective minion.
But yes against a big priest sylvanas is the better option. (but you could include that in a mech deathrattle deck too.
Yeah priest really needed a 48/48 charge minion that first clear the entire board. xD
Only one that can survive an attack from that is warrior, mage and druid.