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(UPDATE: LIVE NOW!) Demon Hunter Nerfs - Skull of Gul'dan, Imprisoned Antaen, Eye Beam and Aldrachi Warblades
Demon Hunter has been okay in wild, but I think this made it way more difficult to build good decks with it.
Warloc and Noraml Hunter for example is way more aggressive.
Ashes of Outland Expansion is Now Live!
Tried out Face Charge Hunter (Play summon threee beast and have three big charge minions.)
And Demon Hunter, both in wild and both seemed very promising.
Ranked Ladder Rework is Out - Everything You Need To Know About the New Ranked System!
Question. Dosen’t MMR take losses in to the calculation?
Then Dosen’t that mean that if I take a bunch of dives I will face a bunch of easier opponents and can just fly to a higher rank with ease?
HSTD 5x Ashes of Outlands Pre-Purchase Giveaway! (55 Packs + Golden Legendary + Card Back)
Thanks alot for the site, always extremely well updated and is the forst place I turn to every expansion as a kinda causal player.
The competition are real sweet as well.
Okay in paladin and shaman decks I guess. Makes your hero power into a 3/3 mech for a turn or two…
Nagrand Slam
And as all spells today it can be played for 6 mana both in wild and standard. 🙂
Well if you already have a board with three 3/x minions the n you don’t need to combo it with anything to activate it on turn 4. Otherwise you are going to need to wait to play it. So it is mostly a turn 7 play for most classes and requires a wasted spell to activate it without the risk of having a part of your own board permanently removed.
Still though a 12/12 on turn 4-7 is good even though it requires some set up. Still most classes can handle this on turn three too five so it is far from OP. For druid it is a good removal if nothing else and I wonder what happens if I get out three off this on my board. I wonder if three will be enough for all (Like darkness) or if each one needs it’s own there Warders.
To bad that it’s end of turn and not on your opponents turn, but still fun. Perfect for my random Reno and Yoga deck.
Beastmaster Leoroxx
Yeah this can pull of many fun combos, such as first play Emeriss and on the next round play this with two Charged Devilsaur and a King Krush in hand.
Will give two 14/14 and a 16/16, can end the game in most cases.
(Talking about wild)
Warmaul Challenger
And I don’t thin there needs to be a minion. Because when there is no minion for a battlecry card, then it just skipps the battlecry. So if the enemies has no minion it’s a normal 1/10 minion.
Warmaul Challenger
Yepp and against a 2/2 you will have a 1/6 left.
And against a 2/3 you will have a 1/4 left.
And against a 2/4 ypu will have a 1/2 left.
And against a 3/3 you will have a 1/1 left
At least in wild it will be possible to play this, use hero power twice in one turn and play vargoth to be able to use it two more times after that, but yeah are better combos out there.
Galakrond's Awakening Adventure Guide - 35 New Cards, Four Chapters, Launches January 21!
Yes, but think of the poor heroes that got the lesser cards. They will then always be laughed at in wild for having less value. xD
Patch 16.2 is Out! Galakrond's Awakening Launch, Two New Battlegrounds Heroes and Minions, Bug Fixes and Improvements
Tirion Fordring and Millhouse Manastorm seem fun. Millhouse seems funniest though, but I can’t say no to a neutral Jeraxus.
Galakrond's Awakening Adventure Guide - 35 New Cards, Four Chapters, Launches January 21!
Yeah, unexpected, I thought there would be more legendary heroes, to compensate the classes that didn’t get a dragon.
Galakrond's Awakening Adventure Guide - 35 New Cards, Four Chapters, Launches January 21!
Oh right and a 11 mana hero power. (Win your next game)…
Galakrond's Awakening Adventure Guide - 35 New Cards, Four Chapters, Launches January 21!
Hope the druid hero will be 1 mana hero. No battlecry. Hero power gain a mana crystal (0 mana).
10 mana gain 20 armor, draw 10 cards, make your hand size 20, fill your deck with 30 ragnaros. Burn your oppenents hand and give them a coin…
Wall not unplayable. You just need EMPEROR THAURISSAN1 and one GALVANIZER. A bit more annoying, but shouldn’t be imposible to make it work.
I have played a meca’thun in ranking and won with only EMPEROR THAURISSAN1 and PLAGUE OF FLAMES and no Bloodbloom. You just need more cards that are either valubale to play ot cheep.