Update: Card reveal season has started! You can find all the new cards here.
Some useful information was “hidden” in the description of the YouTube trailer for the new Hearthstone mini-set – Wailing Caverns (which launches June 3).
First of all – rarity distribution. As it turns out, it’s exactly the same as in Darkmoon Races. Wailing Caverns will contain 4x Legendary, 1x Epic, 14x Rare and 16x Common – of course with two copies of all non-Legendary cards (so 66 individual cards in total). If you wanted to craft all of them, it would cost you 11,280 Dust, and if you wanted to disenchant them, they would yield 2520 Dust.
But how can you get it? There are two options. The first one is through Forged in the Barrens packs. Wailing Caverns cards will simply be added to the pool, which means that you can open them like any regular card. However, there’s also a second option – you can straight up purchase the entire mini-set for $14.99 or 2000 Gold.
In general, buying the entire mini-set is worth it much more than getting it through packs. Now, the question remains – will the cards be good enough to warrant the purchase? We don’t know that yet, but we’ll definitely let you know what we think after all of them have been revealed. Card reveal start tomorrow (May 28), but we don’t have any specific schedule yet.
All in all, we’ve learned that Wailing Caverns mini-set will be basically the same as Darkmoon Races mini-set – both in terms of rarity distribution and pricing. That was also our assumption, but until now we didn’t have any official confirmation, and it wouldn’t surprise me at all if Blizzard e.g. decided to change rarity distribution.
Anyway, if you’re interested, you can check out the trailer here:
We’ve learned the classes (2x Neutral, 1x Warrior, 1x Druid) and mana costs / some stats for Legendaries from the official website, but we don’t know their effects yet. Of course, until they’re officially revealed everything is subject to change – we’ve seen some placeholder cards before already.
so the Legendaries are Kresh, Mutanus, Lady Anacondra, and Naralex…. interesting choices.
I’m pessimistic about how can two cards per each class (a few neutrals) can change the meta. I think it needs more than just mere 35 cards.
What I suggest is to add more core cards, so they add more synergy, and to make power level of cards like Wandmaker and discover effect goes down a bit. You know it’s bad when everytime wandmaker drop a 1-mana cards, it’s always a useful one. (Like Renew & Draconic studies for priest etc)
I know in the end, when December hit, we gonna have more cards than ever, but for now, it’s gonna be pretty boring meta from here to there.
Although it may not be the case now, I just wanna point out that 35 cards definitely IS enough to change the meta. Imagine those cards being Baku + Greymane or something similar….
And can I add that I truly believe that the Darkmoon Races and the 35 cards there were definitely enough to change the meta!
And going back further, Descent of Dragons brought us Risky Skipper amongst other things, which largely carried Warriors for the whole year
Instead of looking at gold to dust value, I would say it is better to decide to buy or not based on the power of legendaries. Pr
all my previous mini set legendaries are only sitting idle. I should have saved my gold and not cared about the dust value last time. Any card I might have wanted, I could have cheaply crafted instead. I will probably not buy this miniset and disenchant the ones from last time.
I think Moonfang and Rustwix is seen a lot of play.
But still. there is at least another 9 months before they rotated out. So there’s a big chance they will see play. Even if you don’t play them rn. *fingercrossed
Yeah, that’s true, but the issue is that you never really know how good the cards will be. Like Moonfang – it seemed meh at first, but it was actually played in some of the best Paladin builds this expansion. And the deal is only temporary, so it’s not like you can wait for a year to see whether those cards will see play. It’s even more apparent with the first expansion of the Standard year – cards from Wailing Caverns mini-set will be in Standard for (give or take) 1 year and 10 months, so a lot might happen with regarding their power level.
Of course the discussion is different when you use real money, but when it comes to Gold, it was just better value than buying packs. You could argue that you can save it from packs from the next expansion, but here you also don’t know whether the cards you open will be useful or not. The only alternative use of Gold are Hero portraits, but it comes down to whether you prefer having more cards or more cosmetics.
I actually ended up not buying Darkmoon Races with gold, because I had ~50 packs from Darkmoon Faire saved up for it way before pricing was announced. And I still haven’t opened Moonfang, which I then had to craft, so I’d be much better off not buying all those extra packs and simply paying 2k for the mini-set. But who knew. Right now I just bought 20 less Forged in the Barrens packs with gold and saved that 2k for mini-set.
Is it confirmed we will be able to get it for 2K gold? Is that the case for all mini-sets?
It says so in the trailer description on YouTube, so I’d call that “confirmed”. Not sure if the same pricing will be kept in the future, but I would guess yes.
Maybe Vanessa was a lean toward Goldshire/Westfall with Kobolds tribal + Deadmines mini-set, up next?
That would be really flavorful. While I was nearly exclusively playing Horde, I remember Westfall really fondly from my Alliance playthroughs back in the day.
A 7 cost murlock… That one needs some really good power to make that worth it,but I have hopes for it.
And I’m glad to see more druid cards.
Battlecry: Fill your board with crabriders, they have windfury this turn. Cast Hand of Adal on all of them.
Holy woof that would be busted…
Haha yeah something like that
I hope they won’t be boring like the murlock getting cost reductions by how many murlocks you play or something.