Mystik, no worries, that’s exactly what theorycrafting is all about. This deck will without a doubt struggle with hardcore aggression without some specific modifications, namely adding some healing or experimenting with some taunts like psycho-tron.
And your question has two real answers. Firstly, yes, you can get screwed out of getting the “Maximum” value if you have had the chance to play ALL of your deathrattles before N’zoth comes down. You will not be able to guarantee grabbing sylvannas, xaril, and both tomb raiders. However, even in the worst case, the ability to go from an empty board to one with a 5/7, two 2/2’s, one 2/1, one 1/1, one 4/4, and one 5/4 (with potential other inclusions from journey) is still nothing short of amazing unless you are being immediately threatened by lethal. If you survive the turn, you still get the ability to draw 3 cards, gain a coin, and get an attack boost.
We’ll have to see how the meta evolves. If aggro becomes too prevalent this list could do with a lot of revision, but even this list should be able to combat some amount of aggro.
Mystik, no worries, that’s exactly what theorycrafting is all about. This deck will without a doubt struggle with hardcore aggression without some specific modifications, namely adding some healing or experimenting with some taunts like psycho-tron.
And your question has two real answers. Firstly, yes, you can get screwed out of getting the “Maximum” value if you have had the chance to play ALL of your deathrattles before N’zoth comes down. You will not be able to guarantee grabbing sylvannas, xaril, and both tomb raiders. However, even in the worst case, the ability to go from an empty board to one with a 5/7, two 2/2’s, one 2/1, one 1/1, one 4/4, and one 5/4 (with potential other inclusions from journey) is still nothing short of amazing unless you are being immediately threatened by lethal. If you survive the turn, you still get the ability to draw 3 cards, gain a coin, and get an attack boost.
We’ll have to see how the meta evolves. If aggro becomes too prevalent this list could do with a lot of revision, but even this list should be able to combat some amount of aggro.