Zugzwang's Comments
Justsaiyan's KFT Midrange Murloc Paladin (Druid Counter)
Good vs Druid but I’m surprised there’s no Finja. Perhaps sub in for a Blessing of Kings?
Updated: Mitsuhide's Midrange Murloc Paladin - Legend (September 2017)
Bolvar just a solid card as a 3-8 in most cases with potential upside
StrifeCro's Control Mage w/Medivh's Valet & Medivh (September 2016, Season 30)
I’m trying this list -1 Torch, + Acidic Swamp Ooze. There’s a lot of Shaman higher up the ladder right now!
Frodan's Ivory Knight N'Zoth Paladin (August 2016, Season 29)
Depends on what you’re facing. Maybe a Corrupted Healbot vs Midrange, but I like Tusk vs Aggro.
Trump's Reno Paladin (August 2016, Season 29)
depends what you’re facing. Justicar not great against Aggro Shaman and Hunter though for sure!
Trump's Reno Paladin (August 2016, Season 29)
Switched Justicar out for Infested Tauren. I don’t think Justicar is needed for C’thun Warrior, although will wait and see!
Frodan's Ivory Knight N'Zoth Paladin (August 2016, Season 29)
Am trying this deck with a Tuskarr Jouster in place of one Stampeding Kodo (at rank 4). Will see how it goes!
Looks really good vs Token Druid and Rogue. Guess it’s pretty bad vs Warrior, any game plan for that match-up?