zapher12's Comments
Rafaam's Scheme
You are right. And the point is you can’t clear your imps on the same turn you summon them and the spirit. We should keep in mind that defile is rotating out and hellfire kills the spirit. For me it is a 1 star card until it is supported by juicy synergies or combos. Hir’eek the Bat somehow could be the future buff target for this card.
Revenge of the Wild
In a situation where your King could survive (so he can be killed by doomsayer) until your turn, why would you play doomsayer in the first place? Next turn just hit+cube+play dead+….
Element of surprise?
That would be two failed mechanics (hand buff and discard) in same deck. Warlock has been annihilated in the year of Raven. Zoo is the only archetype.