YOYOIOAN's Comments
Best Hearthstone Early Meta Decks - Strongest & Most Popular Darkmoon Faire Lists So Far
How strong is Y’Sharrj OTK Shaman?
Dave Kosak, Hearthstone's Lead Mission Designer, Is Leaving Blizzard
Dave Kosak is amazing and I will miss him dearly
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Heroes Tier List & Guide - Best Available Heroes & Strategies - August 2023
Can’t wait to how busted Lord Barov is in the battlegrounds brawl event
Highlander Hunter - #11 Legend (TheLiquidOx) - Galakrond's Awakening
It does seem a bit strange, and why is the secret snake trap of all things?
Deathrattle Tempo
The deck seems fun and we’ve seen tempo Rogue work before (even without a death rattle package). I would say you don’t really have enough lackey generators for Togwaggle so maybe sub him for like Southsea captain or Dragonmaw Paocher as those things can provide some surprisingly powerful tempo swings.
Reno Mage
Love Big stuff so here’s hoping the Big version of the deck takes off for more of a control/greedy value kinda deck… i like those
Where are the Critical inclusions like Blessing of the Ancients and Power of the Wild? Are you relying on top decking Goru or something? Would definitely include those cards to make your treants that little bit thicker, maybe even Stalldris for some extra value as you would be running a lot of choose one cards.
FallV's Handlock Warlock
A deck with Jaraxxus in it that’s good? well now that sounds awesome
The problem with it being on the field afterwards is that unlike Similar cards, (I.e: Doomsayer and the new Depth Charge) is that it only has 1 hp. It doesn’t require a lot of resources (especially in late game) for you opponent to clear it off with something like a cheap rush or a big boi that won’t be killed by it. There are also cheap spells, hero powers and sticky bois of there own that can clear it off. It may work some of the time but ultimately something that consistently benefits from reborn like Whelp, Blademaster, Lightwarden, Cleric etc is worth the mana and spell.
FallV's Handlock Warlock
I personally think running a Galakrond package would be a little bit more effective than running werid cards like Sathovarr, Drain Life and Thalnos. Now, if you’re going for a control package then maybe don’t run Galakrond but add more dragons (which are deperately needed) and cards like Brood mother for extra healing. Maybe even create some more synergy with your quest i.e: don’t include it at all if you’re going to half hazardly include in your deck. It’s the kind of quest you need to build your deck around and this current list has some conflict with it (due to your early game minions like Giant suggesting a more midrange tmepo style deck). In other words go more in on a BIG/ control like Warlock and add more synergies to the quest so you start reaping the benefits
Ps: Loved your Dragon Paladin list BTW
Exactly one is usually enough to nuke and if it isn’t you wanna be playing a Mass Hysteria instead. You want to use reborn to fight for tempo or develop your own board not unnecessarily hit you opponents board twice with a board clear that can be slow when reborn (as it won’t be able to attack when its revived).
Dragon Battlecry Shaman DoD
True but then you would need to get that specific lackey from your lackey generators most of which give you random lackeys. Then there is a small chance you don’t get a nice cheap overload spell of said lackey. You’re better of running cards that are guaranteed to overload you and assist your play style rather than trying to roll a specific lackey that can get you said overload that may or may not assist your current gameplan.
It definitely seems to fit into that style of play more than its cousin Dustbreaker i don’t think it’s the kind of minion you want to be reborning though
Definitely a nice assist to the control priest package (which they seem to be pushing quite hard) but worse than Dustbreaker. I mean think about it, Dustbreaker was good because it was a cheap board clear that could be plonked down when you needed it against Aggro most i.e: turn 4/ 3 when aggro is strongest. This on the other hand most likely won’t activate until turn 6/7 and maybe turn 5 if your opponent has just passed out and forgotten how to play the game. Still a fine card for slower more control priest builds and there are some deathrattle synergies that help it (especially considering the fact that its comparable to/probably better than Chillmaw who, did see a little bit of play here and there), but definitely not as good as Dustbreaker .
Deathrattle Galakrond rogue
The system says you published the deck 2nd of December, but the card was revealed on the 30th?
Deathrattle Galakrond rogue
The deck seems really fun however there are a few extra inclusions that NEED to be added in order to increase your power level. Firstly, If you’re running a Galakrond package it is almost a necessity to run Umbral Stalker, the card is really freaking good. Secondly, I would take out either Devoted Maniac or Praise Galakrond because they aren’t exactly great cards and can be really dead if you have already invoked Galakrond to his final form (probably Maniac as Praise is cheaper and can give a you a lackey first turn, which is when you want it. ). Finally, run Stowaway as that card can fetch your Waxadred candles and ‘Shadow’ cards straight from your deck and if you’re planning on constantly summoning the guy (which i presume you are doing as your late game plan) then he is practically a necessity (espically with Shadow of death as well). Overall the deck seems great!, as its only real counter is early aggro and silence (both of which can be dealt with through lackeys and the fact that silence is rare nowadays), but definitely could’ve used more time in the oven to create the perfect recipe. Here’s hoping Deathrattle rogue takes off as i doubt Dragon Rogue will.
Old Guardian's Highlander Dragon Hunter (theorycraft)
Here’s hoping it works pal, here’s hoping it works P.S Add Dragonbane maybe?
Dragon Battlecry Shaman DoD
Kinda need more overload if you’re gonna try and make big bad Cumulo work. Thankfully Shaman still has plenty of cards to come including Galakrond who will hopefully be overload based (Alongside his Invoke support) Either or no maybe it was bit early to theory craft this list but I LOVE the idea it seems really strong
A really interesting article. I agree that aggro has changed a lot for more resource generation recently but it’s nice to see someone who understands the decisions and planning that go into an aggro deck and realises that it isn’t just FACE!