YoungKhalifa7's Comments
Blood-Queen Lana'thel
This Card is maybe the badest Legendary ever. Before it has nearly decent stats for a class legendary u have to discard half of ur deck and u are always in danger to have it in your hand and discard it by himself… And what happens if all goes the perfect way? U play a 6/6 in turn 5 that does NOTHING…. If it was a epic or rare card it would maybe be decent (if discardlock wouldnt be shit anyways), but this way its just 400 dust. Dont know why they still pushing this shit mechanic… Blizz… Nerf the golem and other cards that synergize with discard and let US CHOOSE WHICH CARD WE DISCARD! As long as discard is random, discard will be shit. Its the badest mechanic ive ever seen in a game…
Unlicensed Apothecary
Thats i really good question. I want to know this too. Anyone has an idea??
White Eyes
Wow, nice buff for Control Shaman. I love Gadgetzan, it brings back Control to Hearthstone!
Seadevil Stinger
That card makes me so sad…. Why Warlock always get the trash cards… ?
17% WR on Baku Pala.. . Maybe Hearthstone isnt ur game mate.