Yoshimaster's Comments
Zephrys Quest Shaman
I see the quest as a temporary hero power to keep control and get extra triggers on Shudderwock. In the late game you could also get with the hero power a double board clear of 6 damage with Hagatha and then later gain more spells to your hand instead of double battlecry. More spells will help king phaoris to fill the board with minions which could be great in the late game.
Mill Shudder Return?
The Combo is:
Play Grumble, Saronite chain gang and/or Doppelgangster to make Shudderwock go infinite.
Play Booty Bay Bookie, King Mukla, Coldlight Oracle and Loatheb to fill your opponents hand with spells that will cost 5 mana more with Loatheb.
Shudderwock will continue give the opponent coins and bananas that will cost too much. Coldlight Oracle´s battlecry will trigger and the opponent will beginning to mill cards.
If you play cards like Reno Jackson and Antique Healbot, Shudderwock will also give you constant healing when you both goes to fatigue.
One of the best things with this kind of deck is that your opponent at first thinks it’s an original quest shaman so you could later surprise them with Zephrys because they often don’t play around it.