Yeetmiester's Comments
Alliance Has Won the Alterac Valley Honor Event, All Players Will Get Diamond Vanndar Stormpike
Wait, this means that if you chose the horde, you get the alliance’s legendary in diamond, without needing to grind for the Honor points.
So apparently, players from one faction can completely ignore the event’s goal (playing matches) and still be “fully” rewarded, while the side who actually played the game has to keep grinding even more to get their reward…
Good job blizzard
10/10 design ????
Best Fractured in Alterac Valley Decks From Day 1
First of, handlock:
Soul rend is a problem, as it abuses the infinite damage combo by chipping thru the deck . Sure you could hit backfire instead, but that card doesen’t “render” (see what i did there) the opposing player to play minions (5 damage is alot for 4 mana). It is also common to play a scavenger or 2 shortly after the rend, meaning you have almost minions to deal with a lethal comp from BG battlemaster (why was the card even printed…)
Raise dead is also major problem, think about. For zero mana and advancing you’re quest, depending on the state of the game, you get a combination of 0 mana flesh giants, 1 mana scavenger, but most frequently, multiple goldshire gnolls, sometimes combined with an extra antherathon(for a staggering 1 mana, again!). You could if you “lowroll” still render you’re opponents ability to play spells, draw MORE cards and even obtain 6 more health.
Also because the card gives back 2 minions, it also increases you handsize, which warlocks want right now. How is this not the most broken card in the game?
Sure again, the raise dead synergies mostly come from massive card draw, but raise dead in itself also gives a ton of “not so balanced” synergies, and it does’nt have any draw back whatsoever, both mana and damage wise.
For the fatigue version of the deck, they need to change backfire to 4 mana, and half the damage done by fatigue (like cariels weapon, with the rounded up effect). Then opponents with more value would have time to get through the warlocks defense and healing, before they die from almost unpreventable damage.
Still gonna stick with the Owl as the problem for now, but the Phylactery may need to be fixed in the future…
Best Fractured in Alterac Valley Decks From Day 1
Librams are rotating out in 3 months, so i don’t know if it’s really worth it.
In the case that the nerf becomes relevant, i think the “study session” 4/5 taunt with Divine shield should cost 7 and that the aldor attendent should me changed in some way, sadly idk how.
And m8, i do love trogg as the meta breaker, but come on. He is currently way to strong in the way he is used, however, i can see it relevant to alter the stats to 2/3 if he goes to 2 mana.
Best Fractured in Alterac Valley Decks From Day 1
I already think this will be a good expansion, why just need some nerfs for the not so balanced synergies(both old and new). Hero cards are already doing work (atlest in standard) and are combined with the new set seemingly making the game more “value” oriented than last week. I like it!
Some propositions for nerfs, so that this expansion can truly shine!
Warlock: Owl DR only targeting minions, Soul rend going to 5 mana, Raise dead going to 1 (but only 2 damage?), Touch of Naz going to 2 (but 5 health?). Maybe the hero card to 7 and scavenger to 8 cards (but very unlikely, considering other hits).
Warrior: Play 3 pirates to shoot 2 cannons (questline part 2). Maybe hatchet to 2 mana and smite (charge, other pirets have rush).
Trogger going to 2 (very likely, first turn 1 this + turn 2 buff = win).
I’m to poor to play wild, so i can’t really relate to the situation with odd questline hunter.
Tamsin's Phylactery
This could be absolutly insane dude… kanthred, dreadlord, acolyte on ALL minions. Warlocks don’t even have a problem swarming boards nowadays. Oh BTW, rip Wild:(.
Lokholar the Ice Lord
This card’s seems like pretty meh control to me. Sure, it removes aggro threats on the board, but still… it’s only 2 targets. Aggro druid can’t be delt with because of the taunts and face hunter has to many small beasts for 2 minions to be enough. Lokholar just dies to midrange aswell, cause when they have dealt atleast 15 damage they’re bout to have a 8+ damage board. If it was meant as a control card, it would atleast been nice with taunt, so that you’re not getting arbor up’d to another dimension.
However, this might just turn out to be a slower aggro card, as it gives you 16 damage of threat damage while also dealing with your opponents board prescence (this is in the aggro vs aggro match up ofcourse). However, if it’s aggro against any slower decks, this is absolute garbage…
I think the game will have to decide how good this card is, as it might become the new Zilliax
Next Expansion (Alterac Valley?) Teaser - Card Reveals Start Tomorrow (November 16)
Wow, really nice prediction m8, shattered and fractured aren’t acutally that far away from eachother in terms of use and context. To be honest, i actually think “Shattered” in Alteric Valley (the rest was 100% correct btw) fits better than “fractured” where the context is a two side rivarly/hatred taking place in the frezzing cold. Sure, shit will go down and charechters will be injuried, but i still don’t think blizzard aims to hospitalize the mercinaries. Idk about you, but i wanna see the main characters at full force when there used, having not to suffer from the price of war. Can just imagine how poor Guff starts suffering from PTSD for example.
Next Expansion (Alterac Valley?) Teaser - Card Reveals Start Tomorrow (November 16)
True, hated the long wait time for the Stormwind expansion(if i remember correctly…). To be faire i think this expansion has to be a bit more minion and control oriented overall, while also being a little bit worse for aggro and combo decks, otherwise cards like these (sorry for the link) won’t matter.
The ambition for Stormwind was the best i’ve ever seen the dev team come up with, containing so many cool deck ideas. However, many of the ideas we’re WAY to synergistic with what was around, resulting in flashbacks instead of kick ass moments.
Basically, this expansion has got to produce some reliable midrange and control tools, while being a lesser TGT for aggro and control.
(Reminder) Balance Patch Releasing on Tuesday - Nerfs to Razormane Battleguard, Arcanist Dawngrasp and Garrote, Buff to Renew
Wow this got long, sorry for being such a “know all” xD.
(Reminder) Balance Patch Releasing on Tuesday - Nerfs to Razormane Battleguard, Arcanist Dawngrasp and Garrote, Buff to Renew
Well, blizzard is finally dealing with the solitaire archetypes, which is something that i’m very happy with.
We have all suffered from burning to ash and bleeding to death, we’re it after quite some time has become an increasingly growing anger. I would argue for that questline mage especially has ruined this meta, as it held back the unit interactive game of hearthstone that we all “feel in love” with. As state’d below me, turn 6 and 7 OTK’s are a problem, as they force the opposing player to act as quickly as possible, resulting in many aggro oriented decks and a loose of what streamer trump calls “value”.
It might not be that much removing 2 bleeds or 1 overall spell damage i terms of actual damage, but it still very strongly affects the deck. Hearthstone is after all a “winner takes all game”, so being a couple of damage away from winning still accounts for a lose. Therefore, taking off a little bit of damage from the decks in focus will reduce the chance of an OTK with no ability to response. As we have seen, Questline mages and Garrote rogues on the brink of defeat when the combo intialized. Rendering they’re damage even the slightest could be the diffrence between dealing 32 damage and dealing 27 damage, which gives the opponent another turn to finish of the opponent. Therefore, i think these nerfs will severally hurt win prencantage (especially against midrange decks), hopefully leaving them in the dust.
Moving on to the other nerf, i think it really won’t affect aggro druid that much. Because of it’s very efficent abilty of granting a taunt to guard it, it will always be protected from minion damage. Spells can as always hit the Razormane from “the side”, but most spells already deal 3+ so it won’t be a problem (only touch of nathrezim effects it now) . Still a good nerf, as it brings the stat power down a tiny notch while keeping it’s consistent value.
Priest i don’t have much to say for, have’nt really encounterd that many lately.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (November 2024)
U what m8/grl? Secrets are one of the more fun mechanics in the game (IMAO at least). This is because it introduces a higher level of thinking to the game, punishing the other side for sticking to a default (and often brainless) strategy. However, if the opposing player can adapt and play around the secrets, it becomes an advantage, because the mana spent could have mainly gone into higher board pre-scene.
Also, if your having trouble against secret paladin, the answer on how to beat them is simple… play around the secrets and most importantly, git gud.
Balance Update 21.3 For Constructed - 5 Nerfs, 7 Buffs, 1 Rework, 1 Ban - Releasing Tomorrow (September 21)
Isen’t it funny that we would like to have Tickatus back, one of the most “dank” but also frustrating cards ever made (except for pre-nerf Illucia of course)
It really just shows how oppressive this meta has been, because of Warlocks domination against all but aggro/OTK.
I honestly pray that this finally opens up for midrange decks, so we can start having fun again…
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
Incorrect, Y’shaarj is an insanely fun and good legendary when used correctly, but the problems lie in the decks that revolve around him.
In this meta, with turn 7-8 OTK combos, sudden overpowered minion swarms and “trade blind” aggro decks, slower decks that utilise Y’shaarj:s true value simply haven’t got the time (in most cases ofcourse, there are always exeptions).
For example, remember Y’shaarj in control warlock? It was an astonishing powerplay when you got him out, as he rewarded you with another 8/8 “screw your cards” tickatus, another “screw your board” cascading disaster , plus an 6/6 strongman and a 10/10 body, all for just 10 mana (and this was basically minimum value). How is that not good?!
So to my point, saying a card is “the worst” because it “ise’nt being used” is not always correct. If you wanna use that argument, then almost all 9/10 mana cards (even 8 sometimes) are absolute garbage… i that is pretty wrong, ain’t it.
OBS: This whole post is made out of a standard perspective, in wild Y’shaarj is not that strong (this is only because the corrupt abilites are only supported in standard).
Iksar's Twitter Q&A #30 Summary - Battlegrounds Cosmetics, Quest Design, Rotating Format, Battle Ready Decks, Next Core Set and more!
That’s not entirely correct, expect for the Druid one, which seems kind of unfinished (guff hasn’t even got an animation).
The problem with the quest lines aren’t the rewards themselves, it’s mostly the decks that are built around them to exploit the unfair advantages.
Take Warlock for example. Do we believe the devs thought about the fatigue mechanic becoming a serious win condition, not just an endgame threat. Maybe, but unlikely.
Do we, even unlikelier, believe that they took into consideration, the discounting of flesh giant alongside quest line progress, resulting in very early 0 mana giants. Probably not, and to add up, the sudden gains of soul rend combined with the 6/6 taunt and 6 damage lifesteal quillboar. No, the devs most certainly did not add this to the equation.
So what was there idea of the warlock quest line then? As you can see, from cards like bloodbound imp, it was about “self damage” becoming “self advantage”. If the devs version of the deck had worked out, i think Warlock would have been a quite fair and not so hated class at the time writing this. But as you know, that isen’t the case…
So, how can these kind of unbalanced and rage indulging scenarios be avoid… Ya’ll now the answer already, it’s all about play testing. If Blizzard would just listen to this part of the community opinion, changes would be made before the release, instead of multiple fixes after things go haywire.
Oh and btw, I’m not roasting or anything like that, I’m simply elaborating your statement…
14 Hearthstone Cards Will Be Changed Next Week, But Which Ones? Nerf, Buff and Ban Predictions!
Nice predictions mate, especially glad about the warlock and priest suggestions!
The only scenarios I dislike are the shaman ideas with perpetual or actual Questline nerf (charged call going to 4 would be my suggestion), but most importantly, the DH Brute nerf (in this particular meta at least).
The archetype is barely holding on these days, and nerfing one of the only two win conditions is a huge setback, which will eventually lead to the death of Questline DH (0 mana and 1 mana is a big difference as you know when you’re out of juice)… for now atleast.
Personally, i think it’s all just sad, because devs are (if you are correct) not just hitting a struggling class, they’re also hitting an archetype that rewards intelligence, experience and knowledge of the game, which should be a minimum criterium for any proper deck/player… btw, it’s also one of the most fun decks in the game.
Still, I get the “non game” perspective, but then they’re (as said in other threads) apparently not even gonna touch the Oracle of Elune combo with the taunt reducer and goddamn Greybough (which is broken on another level)!
When I think of it, they might have forgot about something else as well… in the case of lengthening the play time, they just ignored Garrote Rogue, which OTK:s you on turn 7 – 8 regardless (unless you play greedy with disruption, or warrior) with barely any significant minions, just Field contact (why isn’t it 4 mana) and spell damage. Remember also that they can as well kill you on turn 5, but even more consistently, because the one and only counter is distribution (as a midrange/control deck).
Sometimes this game just gets on my nerves 🙁
Wait, this means that if you chose the horde, you get the alliance’s legendary in diamond, without needing to grind for the Honor points.
So apparently, players from one faction can completely ignore the event’s goal (playing matches) and still be “fully” rewarded, while the side who actually played the game has to keep grinding even more to get their reward…
Good job blizzard
10/10 design ????