xNanoks's Comments
Hearthstone Patch 31.0.3 Teaser - Standard, Wild & Battlegrounds Balance Update
Are you daft? If they revert Order to draw a card immediately, it can’t be used with Ceaseless.
This Is What The Great Dark Beyond Will Bring to Hearthstone - Decks from the Theorycrafting Event
Fun read, Ville! Do you have a VOD on your channel?
UberEinstein's Legend Midrange-Control Paladin - June 2018
Looking at it now, I’d probably cut one Witchwood Piper.
UberEinstein's Legend Midrange-Control Paladin - June 2018
^ This. I’ve ran with Quest Pally for a long time during the seasons of April and May, and it’s just not competitive. Although the meta has slowed down significantly, running the quest is just incredibly slow. If you want to have fun however, run it. The amount of amazing plays you’ll do because of Galvadon is just FUN.
UberEinstein's Legend Midrange-Control Paladin - June 2018
I really want to fit in The Glass Knight, can it be done? As far as I know, there are 5 cards that guarantee healing, not counting the possibility of Death Coil from the Lich King, or any Un’Goro cards from the packs… Which card would you cut?
Standout Post-Nerf Witchwood Hearthstone Decks for Balance Patch 11.2 - A Week Later
Not sure if you intentionally left it out, but Murloc Pally is still pretty viable, even with the nerf to CtA. If you managed to look at it, I’d love to hear some data on it. I’m thinking it performs above average, but I could be wrong.
Rogue One Strikes Back: How do the Pre-Nerf and Post-Nerf Quest Rogue decks compare?
So much this. I can’t stand playing Aggro decks; they’re boring and I just feel filthy when I play them. Not wanting to step on anyone’s toes, because to each his or her own, but it’s not for me.
Rogue One Strikes Back: How do the Pre-Nerf and Post-Nerf Quest Rogue decks compare?
Yeah, all good and well, but I’m a Control deck player, because I find no fun in playing meta and/or aggro decks. For me, Quest Rogue is a nightmare, no matter if I have the perfect draws. Every control deck bites the bullet eventually. You are probably an aggro deck player, and if you aren’t, PLEASE tell me your deck.
Theorycrafting The Upcoming Hearthstone Balance Changes - Which Cards Could Get Nerfed And How?
Yeah, true. Atleast Naturalize doesn’t heal for 8.
Jambre's Legend Big Even Recruit Warrior (May 2018)
Big decks try to do one thing – deal damage. And that’s your win condition. Woecleaver can help you Recruit powerful minions, and Charged Devilsaur will have Charge because its Battlecry won’t get activated. Between Grommash (enraged) and Charged Devilsaur, that’s 17 damage. I think you get the idea.
Just one small tip: don’t overcommit your board, if you have possibilities to refill after a potential board clear. Minions are rare in this deck, as it should be, so you won’t get a second chance. Twisting Nethers are our banes.
Most Overrated Cards From The Witchwood Expansion
Great article, thank you for making this. A good read, and fun to know how wrong we all were. Mind you, some of these cards are extremely good for Arena, which doesn’t get the attention it deserves.
By far the biggest disappointment is Lady in White. The effect is obviously crazy, but no one wants to let his deck revolve around, and even completely rely on, one card.
I’m still convinced Dire Frenzy is going to find a place in the meta. Hunter has just been all over the place lately. I can see it work extremely well with Quest Hunter, for example. That doesn’t change the fact that it was indeed overrated.
Theorycrafting The Upcoming Hearthstone Balance Changes - Which Cards Could Get Nerfed And How?
I’m fairly certain they won’t, because it’s quite vulnerable to Silence. The only reason it works so well in Cubelock is because of instant destruction. Other classes don’t have that enough.
Theorycrafting The Upcoming Hearthstone Balance Changes - Which Cards Could Get Nerfed And How?
I haven’t made it yet, because I wasn’t properly done testing it. There are others, although a little different, that are on this site. But here’s mine.
Jambre's Legend Big Even Recruit Warrior (May 2018)
I’d still be more willing to drop Bring it On!, as there’s a lot of armor gain already. Point of the deck is to Recruit the costly minion, and with your Hero Power only costing 1 mana, you can gain enough armor.
Theorycrafting The Upcoming Hearthstone Balance Changes - Which Cards Could Get Nerfed And How?
Yes. It’s a lot of fun, featuring King Krush, Kathrena and Carnivorous Cube!
Theorycrafting The Upcoming Hearthstone Balance Changes - Which Cards Could Get Nerfed And How?
I’m just hoping they’re not going to touch Carnivorous Cube. I’ve created a Deathrattle Hunter, Quest Priest and Taunt Druid, because of that card. I love it to death.
Possessed should be reassessed, as well as Skull and Call to Arms. Anything else will change when they are changed. Maybe, maybe, up Dark Pact in mana cost of change it so it only works on Demons.
Theorycrafting The Upcoming Hearthstone Balance Changes - Which Cards Could Get Nerfed And How?
Dragoncaller Alanna not played as much? She’s the staple of Big Spell Mage. I don’t necessarily have a problem with making it a 10-mana card though, as Big Spell doesn’t use many 1-cost cards.
Evans' Even Shaman (May 2018)
Love this deck, so much fun to play. I have a very soft spot for Al’Akir, due to his voice lines, and I’m happy he combines so well with Corpsetaker. May not be tier 1, but if played right, definitely tier 2 material.
Xilinhung's #9 Legend Big Spell Control Mage (May 2018)
Frost Lich Jaina into Cindy is mental, not greedy at all. It’s the perfect trigger to quickly build more Water Elementals.
Agreed. Having a tutor for Kerrigan is insane. I’ll probably remove one Viper and Seamstress.