Xcuse4RunningAya101's Comments
Spring Rocket
I think it’s an okay card. I think that the best minions are those who create value from the moment you play them. A minion that creates tempo is always good in my eyes. It has very poor stats, yes, but that is because it’s battlecry is really good AND it has Mech synergies (which, if I am not wrong, are even better supported than elemental synergies if we look at the wild card pool. Maybe this will also be true for standard with that dr.boom hero)
This is my opinion
This is the missing piece to unlocking Mecha’cthun insta win! I am a happy boy right now!
Luna's Pocket Galaxy
That is actually not such a bad idea, but the way you would be playing this deck (cycling with luna) would mean that you will burn yourself out of the game very quick anyways, right? Or you could try that malygos combo that everyone is talking about (but thay would increase the chances of drawing him)
Luna's Pocket Galaxy
If you combo this with giants and the other new mage legi and possibly the 2 mana 2/2 that puts copies of creatures drawn in your hand you cycle prety fast
Luna's Pocket Galaxy
You could have this minion deck that runs raven familiar and only this spell and book of specters. But book of specters might end up destroying your win con…
The Soularium
You know what? I just got schooled. You are more right than me. It’s just that whenever I see a 1 mana draw 3 i get blinded with visions of brokenness.
Arcane Dynamo
Or I just don’t understand the game well enough to be suggesting stuff and correcting people. This is going to get you bloodlust very often isn’t it? Since it’s only shaman spells if I understand right? In that case it’s worth a try in standard, since it is a bit slower an possibly even in wild… I feel your pain
Arcane Dynamo
So yeah, you probably won’t have to fear a bloodlust from your opponent’s side
Arcane Dynamo
It might do just that. But considering it is not reliable and its incredibly poor stats that don’t offer much tempo at all it probably isn’t worth it. I play wild even shaman and this on turn 6 is SO MUCH worse than Aya. In standard you don’t have Aya but my point still stands: Turn 6 is an important turn for even shaman to waste a slot on this card.
The Soularium
Have you ever heard of Ancestral Visions? I would kill for being able to play that card at least once in a mtg game. I get your point tho, but this is the most broken card I have seen in hs to the date and whether you like it or not, my guess is that this is going to be staple in every warlock deck that can play it, not only zoo
Juicy Psychmelon
Let’s turn it around a bit: I see this card playing well in some sort of ramp druid as the draw engine, so you don’t have to play as many cyclers and can focus more on board presence with your Fatties. Maybe this Card is good BECAUSE it replaces every other cycler?
Ultimate Shudderwock
Also, It looks like it survives the early game very poorly… Loot hoarder, since it’s an “empty slot” could her replaced with volcano, right?
Ultimate Shudderwock
Sounds fun, but suppose I am not willing to craft valanar and find a… replacement. I could change the gangster for saronite chaingang, right? Since it kinda does the same (less effectively, true) but impacts the board way more for the earlygame
Wild Even Shaman Deck list Guide - Witchwood - May 2018
Thank you so much for your very helpful reply. You have convinced me. I do see those Flamewreathed Faceless with other eyes now and I am willing to keep them in the deck for a while, until I’ve had some practice with them and learn to see the value that they offer. I still don’t feel very comfortable playing them and might want to try some new, slower tech at some point after, so expect in the future to hear rumours of some bizarre slower variation of the deck hitting rank 1 in legend!
Wild Even Shaman Deck list Guide - Witchwood - May 2018
Thank you so much for your quick reply. I ended up crafting rag, although Hagatha is literally the only missing piece to my standard murloc and shudderwock shaman. I do not regret it. At all. It already saver me more games than hagatha would have done. I do have another question though: You see, I come from mtg and I have developed this instinct to evaluate creatures (here: minions) based on the following bias: Dies to removal (In case you don’t know, the formats are overfloaded with removal, since it’s the only way to remove creatures out of the battlefied). Now, don’t get me wrong, a 3/4 on turn 2 with a little drawback seems broken to me (I am thinking Tarmagoyf levels of brokenness). But that 7/7 that screws up your next turn seems way to risky to me and I really don’t like them at all. I was thinking on replacing them with minions that give you immediate value, even if that means making the whole deck slower. O was thinking some thing allong the lines of Cultmaster, Thaurissan and Sylvanas (when i have enough dust of course) The idea of turn 6 Thaurissan into Rag next turn (Or Mayen even loch king) Seems broken to me and i something I realy want to be winning games with. The thing is, If i don’t hace thaurissan on turn 6 I can variate between Aya (the primary 6 drop of the deck as it is) and Sylvanas (i am still not so sure about her thou, since you mentionned that there is a lost of silence in the format and that it’s not immediate value). I would love to hear your thoughts on this one. Is it worth to get rid of the tempo that the faceless offer in order make the deck more resilient and fun to play (for me at least)?
I love mecha’thun, but the only way I see him being triggered is by playing double mech that reduces the cost of mechs in your hand by 1 and next turn 8 mana mecha’cthun into blood blossom>cataclysm (or thaurissan reducing blood blossom and mecha’cthun instead of the 2 mechs). Getting rid of your hand is really not that easy, way to situational in my opinion.