Xander Raidon's Comments
Luna's Pocket Galaxy
If this was a warlock card, it would’ve been absolute nuts with Bloodbloom.
Dr. Morrigan
This card needs 2 effects to be broken. A card like Gang-up that’s rogue-only, and a card like Molten Reflection that’s mage-only. If warlock gets a card that has both effects combined, than this card could see play, just for the fact that you’d have multiple unkillable-unless-silenced 5/5’s.
Omega Mind
It doesn’t. The second volcano was casted by a minion, therefore it was not considered “your spell”.
Star Aligner
If this card was a 3 mana 3/3 with “Battlecry: If you control 3 minions with 3 Health, deal 3 damage to all enemies.” then it would actually see play. But as it stands, it will see 0 play. I wouldn’t even pick this in arena, there are much much better late game drops than a 7 mana 7/7.
Omega Medic
This is a pretty damn good Arena card.
Have my doubts this will make it into constructed, simply because healing is needed against Aggro before turn 10. And against combo decks, it won’t save you, just maybe buy you a few extra turns.
Walnut Sprite
I don’t know, I definitely would not mind getting multiple of these in arena. You can play them early game for curve, and if you get them late game in top deck mode, it’s a 9 mana 9/9 spread across 3 bodies.
Mad Hatter
Can someone explain to me, how does gaining a hat raises ATK by 1? Because the HP part is easy to understand.
Worgen Abomination
It’s a lose-more card vs aggro (you can’t injure token/divine shield minions, so most likely, your minions will be the only ones to target. 2 dmg to your board is pretty significant). It only becomes a win-more card when combo’ed with certain enemy-only small AoE’s. And even then, for a combo, it’s barely swingy enough + comes way too late.
Dire Frenzy
This combo would be interesting if Hunter had some decent stalls/card draw.
Dire Frenzy
Pretty sure not. Echo creates a copy of the card without any buffs/modifiers. However, the first one you play will have +3/+3.
As Ugin said, one thing is to know what cards does his deck have, and another to know exactly what cards he’s holding. Also, priest can afford holding onto a card that can potentially turn into a strong card from your opponent’s hand in control matchups.
Yes it’s a tiny bit too expensive, but it has incredibly high synergy & flexibility. I highly doubt this card won’t make it into a tier 2 deck (or tier 3, if warrior is garbage).
Face Collector
Well, dunno about constructed, but in Arena I could definitely see myself picking this Legendary. Ultra-high value cards are generally incredible there.
The Darkness
Wait a second. If you Evolve/Devolve a minion into this, that means -1 minion slots? Unless they have the card in their deck, there’s no way to awaken this. If you recruit this from your deck, it’s -1 minion slot..
Cursed Disciple
I see the community doesn’t play Magma Rager. You know what they’ll love though? 2 Magma Ragers in 1 card!
Lesser Onyx Spellstone
If this card was only 3 mana, I think it would see a hell of a lot of play. At 5 mana it’s just not cost efficient. And in a tempo class, non-cost efficient cards are literal garbage. I definitely would not pick this in Arena, ever.
This is definitely not a spell, it’s a deathrattle effect of a weapon. Her card text says: “each spell you cast on your minions”.
He must really want that sweet sweet freeze face BM value.