Xalik's Comments
Tavern Brawl - Half & Half
You forgot Bazar Burglary… they never complete the quest and you get an OP weapon on turn 3-4. My opponent resigned when the only thing Tess cast was an impossible to complete quest.
Ras Frostwhisper
Looking forward to the MarkMcKz youtube video of Ras doing a 30+ damage OTK + board clear… don’t want to play the 90 games where that deck looses horribly before pulling off the combo myself.
Making Mummies
This Quest + Val’anyr in wild is potentially broken. They changed saronite chain gang in part because of the val’anyr shenanigans, but this leads to virtually infinite handbuffing as soon as you complete the quest if val’anyr is in hand
Dr. Boom's Scheme
Given the otherwise terrible nature of this card and it’s art, I am guessing it is a fuse to combo with a card that deals damage to your opponent = your armor gain this turn. If that is true then it is an interesting combo, a longer this crap sits in your hand the bigger the Boom. If there is no other combo card than 0 out of 10.
Barrens Expansion?
Does this mean we finally get a neutral Chuck Norris legendary that can do anything that any other card can do but better?