X7's Comments
It doesn’t make sense why you would NOT include C’Thun in this deck. He doesn’t have to be your primary win condition. It’s just great to have a huge minion with a huge immediate impact like C’Thun.
Chakki's N'Zoth Control Paladin - Dreamhack Austin (Standard)
Lol what? Chakki and StrifeCro are both pro players. You think anyone here can tell you whose deck is better? It’s like asking which of two sports teams is better.
It really depends. Renolock has been in my opinion the hardest deck I’ve played, but I haven’t had the dust to play every meta deck in existence.
If you want to master the deck, you should definitely start by watching videos, streams, or VODs. The deck is fairly unique and doesn’t really play like any other deck out there (the closest is handlock). You need to know the deck’s gameplan and combos, and many cards play different roles in different matchups.
I find that mistakes that I’ve made while playing this deck have been really punishing, even just small ones. If you’re bad at the deck, you will lose.