WizNan's Comments
I like it, but it’s not meta breaker due to the lot of big minions we get in this expansion. 4 stars.
Imagine destroying the 5/5s with the rouge legendary for 6 mana… I think this card still deserves a 4 star rating.
I am a rouge main. I will enjoy eating your hardly-generated 5/5 with one minion for 6 mana…
Wrong! The best thing you can do in the game is to force your opponent to do something that they dont want to do. They don’t want to ping your face every turn, so if they have to, it is excellent. If they don’t, you get a 3/6 for 2 mana, which has the most potential in mid-early game, but that is the part of the game where you don’t want to ping your foe’s face instead of doing some tempo, like AI or Messenger Reaven. The thing you probably forgot is that it is not for 1 turn but for eternety if it wouldn’t be activated. 4-6 stars, depends on how highlander/OTK paladin suitable the meta is.
Wait, wait, wait. Why is everybody complaining about this sidequest is unplayable against rouge, druid, mage, etc. Take mage as an example. Have you ever seen a mage player who wanted to ping the opponent’s face? No. They may do, because of the high costed curve, so that they can’t play anithing on T2. And the next turn? They have to spend 2 mana on each turn (when they don’t have like minions or something to deal dmg, but even in that case they can’t trade) or you’ll get a 3/6 for 2 which is the main reason they pinged your face. I guess it fits in Highlander pally better than OTK, thanks to that deck’s playstyle. HL Paladin wants to outtempo the opponent, and forcing them to not trade at least one of their dmg (minions, HP, spell) is insane. It will need a nerf if the mate will be suitable for Highlander Paladin. Also playable in OTK, but a bit worse. 5.5/5
Flik Skyshiv
I was wondering about playing paladin or rouge at the start of the new expansion. Now I know the answer.
Draconic Lackey
So, this is how they want to nerf quest shaman… Ok, but evolve won’t be in standard anymore when this lackey comes in so no need for this lackey to happen… on the other hand I like the value this lackey can give you, even in rouge.
Galakrond, the Unspeakable
I really want to see huge minions and spells to inwoke this to be able to play this in Resurrect Priest. And I hope the hero power is going to help us
Learn Draconic
I think it works this way: you play it on turn 1 for example. Then, you spend the 8th mana on spells on turn 5 or 6 and you get a 6/6 body on board instantly. If It wouldn’t work like that, it would say: If you’ve spent 8 mana on spells….
Or did I miss something?
Shirvallah, the Tiger
I purchased two Rastakhans pack in case of opening Shirvallah. I did. 5/5
Micro Mummy
Cool stuff for new Quest Paladin, but imagine you play the Quest on turn 1. Then if you play Micro Mummy on turn 2, you lose its +1/+1 effect… but still 5/5 LuL
You play with treants in a token deck that is built around tempo. This card is too slow, but due to its stats I’d give it 3.3 stars