WizNan's Comments
I think everybody only plays good hearthstone card, nobody plays bad hearthstone cards. So this secret is probably only going to give you good hearthstone cards.
Forest Warden Omu
I’m preatty sure the new Omu will have an unused spellburst effect but I might be wrong
Forest Warden Omu
Omu + Germination + Malygos + Moonfire + Moonfire + Swipe + Swipe
30 dmg
7 cards
If spellburst works as it should, this combo is executable.
Forest Warden Omu
Omu + Germination + Malygos + Moonfire + Swipe + Swipe + Moonfire = 30 dmg for 10 mana (used 7 cards)
Potion of Illusion
Yeah but I meant play 2 sorc. Apprentices and two Potions (to get 4 1 mana Apprentices in your hand) and do the exodia on the NEXT turn when you have 10 mana ๐
Potion of Illusion
This way you don’t need to spend a whole turn to get a 1/1 Antonidas, minimazing the chances of losing.
Potion of Illusion
Alternatively, you can do the exodia with only one coin but tho Potions.
Sorcerer’s Apprentice (2x) + Potion (2ร) for 8 mana
You still have 2 mana with all spells costing 2 less to play some defensive cards (frost nova for example)
Nect turn you play Antonidas himself with his 4 Apprentices for a total of 11 mana (here’s where you need the coin)
Speaker Gidra
Okay, but then spellstone copies the spellburst as well, right? But I guess you’ll have a 8/11 and 3 1/4s with unused spellburst
Potion of Illusion
Sorc. App. + Sorc. App. + This + This ( 6 mana )
Next turn: 4 ร 1mana Sorc. App. + coin + Antonidas + a 4 or less cost spell = ????
Potion of Illusion
This spell copies the minions ON YOUR BOARD and gives the copy to your hand. If you go for coin prep this on turn 2, you’ll probably only get a 1-drop if your opponent haven’t killed it.
Educated Elekk
Ok, I’ll tell you now. ๐
Previously, there were multiple game-breaking cards in every expansion, that had a 10% higher drawn-winrate than anything else and were so good, they could swing the whole game on their own (thinking about Dr. Boom, Zephrys, Galakronds, DQA, Zilliax in a way (it haven’t won games on its own but its use-rate was ~70%)).
Now, there’s Scholomance Academy. There are very good cards and ther are ones that seem insanely powerful, but! They require proper deckbuilding and they must be played at the correct time and their effect doesn’t win you the game.
For example: the new Hunter legendary, the Professor. It has good stats (3 mana 3/4) and a very good effect, so you have to craft it (or buy the pre-order lul), but it requires other cards to be comboed with and it only kills minions, doesn’t create any threat.
(Maybe it was a bad example, that card is broken)
But there’s the Lorekeeper. 4 mana 4/5 battlecry: rearrange your deck. It can by powerful and game-winning is some exact cenarios, but it’s not like Zilliax that is good in every deck, every archetype and every situation. 5/5 stars card, it has to be, but its not an instant 5/5 auto-include.
Most of the cards aren’t random and have some cool effect.
One of the first cards revealed, however was Transfer Student, which extremly bad design, so I was thinking that the whole expansion was going to be gargabe, but it is not!
Overall, this expansion is a 8.7/10 so far (for my experience).
(I’ve been playing only since Kobolds and Katakombs.)
Educated Elekk
This expansion is my favourite so far, I’ll explain why, but I’d rather wait until every card is revealed before saying anything about the expansion as a whole.
Argent Braggart
I mean… Paladin deserves some good cards, but this is broken.
If there’s a 1/7 and a 7/1 on the battlefield, this minion is a 2 mana 7/7 if I understand the card’s text correctly.
Nah, I don’t think this’ll be *that* good but I’d love playing this in my Hearthstone deck to get Hearthstone cards from my Hearthstone opponent ๐
I’ll definitely try out some sort of quest rogue next expansion. Not sure if this secret fits in that Hearthstone deck, but if so, I’ll be happy.