Witchcraft's Comments
You Can Add Tech Cards to Beat the Top Meta Decks, But You Probably Should Not
One good option would be to make Steam Cleaner and Demolition Renovator tradeable. After all we already have tradeable cards with much wider applicability that these two with very narrow application.
Honestly, I really like the Druid class, but in the past few years, many of their decks have been completely degenerate.
1) Gibberling
2) Kazakusan
3) Denathrius OTK
4) Astalor OTK
5) Thaddius and Thaddius + Tony
6) Guff to 20 mana (originally crystals that were added were not empty from hero power, seriously? 20 mana, seriously?)
Guys, there are so many amazing cards that Druid could play , but what is lacking is wide board removal. Something like Scales of Onyxia would be good. Otherwise Druid is simply playing degenerate decks.