Windfall44's Comments
Quest Resurrect Priest Deck List Guide – Descent 2nd Nerf – January 2020
Nah, the worst is hearing the innkeeper say “(Your class) versus Anduin!” just before the mulligan screen
Quest Resurrect Priest Deck List Guide – Descent 2nd Nerf – January 2020
I agree with what you’re saying at heart. My grievance with this deck is that the way it wins is drab and wretched. I rarely lose to Resurrect Priest with the decks I choose to pilot, but I never have fun in the matchup regardless. Either I trudge through the taunts and heals, looking for ways to create frogs and whelps along the way, or I’m playing pure control and I don’t attack face until fatigue and then the Priest loses.
I enjoy battling Inner Fire Priest a lot more because it’s an intense fight for board. But that deck also does things that just make you shake your head. I guess it’s just in Priest’s identity to be obnoxious. Nothing against the players who choose Anduin; I just don’t understand the appeal, and I certainly don’t understand why anyone’s motive would be to make other people have less fun playing the game.
Quest Resurrect Priest Deck List Guide – Descent 2nd Nerf – January 2020
It’s a tough matchup for you since Mass Dispel deals with your best aggressive openings involving Inner Rage, Temple Berserker, and/or Bloodsworn Mercenary. You have to hope they don’t have economic answers to your threats. Playing some games from the Priest’s side will make you realize how clunky and bad the deck can be, so Galakrond Warrior’s best option is often to have the Priest lose to itself.
I also like to use Leeroy on turn 5 and trade your 1/x minions into the Whelps to weaken their resurrections.
Quest Resurrect Priest Deck List Guide – Descent 2nd Nerf – January 2020
It’s boring to play with and against. Truly a miserable experience.
Quest Resurrect Priest Deck List Guide – Descent 2nd Nerf – January 2020
Does anyone else agree that “you have bested me” is the most satisfying thing to hear in all of Hearthstone?
I have read many comments online and in stream chats from people who want to do things like giving Bad Luck Albatross reborn and bringing it back from the dead repeatedly not because it is actually good, but because it will annoy their opponent. My response to that is, fine, whatever, but I think there is some personal growth opportunity on the player’s part that goes a lot deeper than his/her behavior in a digital card game.
I too love control decks. But as a control player I find that playing as Res. Priest is not actually fun. The other control classes (Mage, Shaman, Warrior, and Warlock) make plays before turn 5, and they have a toolbox of options. The games feel a lot different in a way that I think the community (myself included) enjoys. I am aware that old Dr. Boring warrior is a counterexample, and I believe it was despised by the community for much the same reasons, but I also believe this Priest archetype is hated even more.
@DukeStarwisher: I have no evidence to support that you don’t want your opponent to have fun. I never targetted you specifically, and I apologize that my broad statement more or less included you. I am trying to champion the anti-Priest camp in a way that is not negative or aggressive.