WildRage's Comments
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (December 2024)
Valid point. I probably will.
It was just a sigh of disappointment.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (December 2024)
So Dragon Paladin hasn’t made it?
Bummer. Was really looking forward to a good built.
Mech Hunter Deck List Guide – Rise of Shadows – May 2019
I can see your point. I’m probably just not familiar enough with the card to make it work well enough.
I’m also feel kind’a awkward with how “cloggy” it feels around 5-6 mana. Too many 6 cards, especially if you count the additional two Release the Beast.
I prefer the list with the 5-cost minion that deals 4 damage if you hold a 5+ spell in your hand which makes Mech Hunter have some very awkward turns.
Mech Hunter Deck List Guide – Rise of Shadows – May 2019
I personally like Shimmerfly. Doesn’t really “pollute” the Deathrattle pool often and will more than likely give you a very useful Spell after it dies.
Mech Hunter Deck List Guide – Rise of Shadows – May 2019
Woops! That’s 1x Zul’Jin. Don’t wanna get too greedy.
Mech Hunter Deck List Guide – Rise of Shadows – May 2019
I know it’s too early to tell and more refined versions will pop up in the near future but it almost feels like Oblivitron doesn’t belong in this deck.
The dedicated strategy IS to spam Mechanical Dragons by activating M. Whelp’s Deathrattle through Fireworks Tech & Nine Lives (and Whelp itself, obviously) and Ursatron does a good job of adding the necessary mechs to your hand. Zilliax is also necessary ’cause it’s the only way to heal in this deck. Oblivitron and Spider Bomb…kind’a mess with Ursatron’s consistensy. Moreover, Oblivitron needs pretty specific circumstances to work well, especially by turn 6. And you’re often better off dropping a Whelp instead.
I feel like the backbone of this deck should just include:
2x Fireworks Tech
2x Nine Lives
2x Ursatron
2x Zul’Jin
1x Zilliax
2x Mechanical Whelps
And not include Spider Bombs and Oblivitron. I can see the Spider Bombs becoming “a must” depending on the meta, but I feel like most of the time they’re too awkward to drop and mess with Ursatron.
Rastakhan Post Nerf Deck Lists Roundup - Top Legend Decks for the Post Rastakhan Meta
That’s very strange…what rank are you at?
I’ve only faced two Hunters, a couple of Priests and like a dozen or so Mages at rank 4
Upcoming Rastakhan's Rumble Nerfs (December 19th): Wild Growth, Nourish, Level Up, Saronite Chain Gang and Leeching Poison
I totally agree with your point!
As a professor that enriched many people’s childhoods in the early 2000’s said, “There is a time and place for everything. But not now.”
Big Spell Control Mage Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - March 2019
Good point! Didn’t even think of those.
Odd Paladin Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - March 2019
My opponents always get the Divine Shield one, so I guess it is cursed.
Odd Paladin Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - March 2019
Nothing changed, you run the same build as before.
Dog's #1 Legend Rastakhan Undatakah Druid
Well..to be fair, it could be that John puts enough pressure early enough that he forces his opponent to waste his triggers..It’s not like Druids will always draw all four of Undatakah’s triggers.
I, on the other hand, beat them before they even play Hadronox.
Big Spell Control Mage Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - March 2019
Why is the Keleseth builds better? To my understanding, you’re ditching 2x Doomsayers and 2x Raven Familiars in order to find room for Keleseth (and 3 other cards). BS Mage isn’t even a minion-heavy deck, why is Keleseth’s buff outweight Doomsayer’s potential clear and Raven’s draw? Is it just because of the “potential” part?
Undatakah Druid Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - December 2018
Oakheart is such a powerful card in this deck, but he doesn’t worth 1600 dust so close to the rotation.
That and Undetakah are basically all I’m missing in this deck, but I’m willing to craft the latter.
What would you say I play in place of Oakheart? Should I leave the Enforcers in with no way to cheat them out of the deck?
Standout Rastakhan's Rumble Decks From Week 1
Thanks for the answer! I see the issue now.
Dog's #1 Legend Rastakhan Undatakah Druid
I won’t craft Oakheart so close to the rotation. Probably won’t use Mosh’Oggs either.
Any replacements for them three? I was thinking of 2x Primordial Drakes and that understated epic that pulls a dragon at the end of every turn.
Standout Rastakhan's Rumble Decks From Week 1
Why is Deathrattle Hunter considered a better deck than Recruit Hunter?
They’re similar concepts but Recruit Hunter replaces all minions but Kathrena and the big bois with Secrets, the Emeralds and a huge Zul’Jin turn.
Isn’t Zul’Jin worth it?
Odd Mage Deck List Guide – Rastakhan – March 2019
Right now, I’m really not convinced it’s worth running Odd Mage over traditional Big Spell Mage builds ’cause the exchange for upgraded Hero Power is way too savere.
You can make a case about Blizzard and Meteor, but Polymorph’s the real problem here: This card was your only tool against Taunt Druid, your premiere rival in slow matches.
Another problem with the archetype is that is somewhat tries to bridge the gap between controlish and mid-game playstyles. If it’s against Aggro, you try to survive. If it’s Control, you try to Rush them.
In Big Spell Mage that would be just wrong. Regardless of what you’re playing against, BS Mage’s strategy was to outlast it then beat it with one of its main Win-Conditions, after the mage player made sure their opponent couldn’t counter it anymore. On the other hand, the author makes a good point that a lot of OTK strategies can casually stomp you on the late game.
I’ll give it some time before I decide on what to do with this deck, but I think Big Spell Mage with the addition of the Dragonhawk is the way to go for Mage in this expansion.
So what’s the consensus on Heistbaron Togwaggle?
Is Tempo Rogue performing better with him or without him?
Truth be told, I have noticed myself just holding onto him in many games. And in some games it felt that I’d win regardless and he was just overkill. But there have been games where I would have lost the match had I not played him.
Also, are people starting to cut out Hench-Clan Thug from their deck?