warppp's Comments
Galakrond, the Unbreakable
edit *5 armor* but still.. and then you got some 10 mana cards that do absolutely nothing compared to this.
Galakrond, the Unbreakable
gain 7 armor, draw 4 minions, give them blessing of kings, and swing for 8 damage.
Galakrond, the Unbreakable
and just as i was about to return to it, will they never learn? is the 2 mana 10/10 coming in april?
Oasis Surger
if you keep this in your hand in quest decks its 5 mana 10/10 if you go second (turn 1 quest + coin). balanced.
Conjured Mirage
Divine spirit is most likely the next card to get nerfed or hall of famed so i would not count on that plan. Interesting design, always good to see something new.
Tomb Warden
Its not even the taunt buffs, just watch your opponent get a 6/12 taunt rush split across 2 bodies for 2 mana that is instantly playable. Annoy-o mechs sorry but you aren’t as annoying anymore.
Embalming Ritual
Great flexibility 5/5. The commons and rares are often scarier than the epics in this set
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
I agree with Duke I don’t think this is a Zoo card at all. Remember that every deck has a downside to it, and the weakness of Zoo is that if you run out of gas without killing your opponent you don’t have a late game so might as well concede. On the other hand if you high roll and the opponent can’t deal with the pressure you just win on turn 5-6. It’s the same with the plague card, it is way more efficient in a mid range or controllish deck (with the limited amount of control tools warlocks got at the moment that is).
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
with the new titanic lackey you can just make 4/6 taunts out of 1 mana lackeys just like that. tempo much lol
Livewire Lance
Umm…the miscreant nerf was -1 health. It costs 3 mana. The combo activation is not that big of a setback. If it wants to be a really decent early game control tool it should have been a 3/2 or cost 2 mana as most annoying 2 and 3 drops got 3 health.
Anubisath Defender
Arcane tyrant anyone? This will see a lot of play, nice card in general
High Priest Amet
That’s what I thought as well tho it’s more of a meme direction but it’s way cooler than the divibe spirit inner fire combo which is so boring by now in my opinion.
Generous Mummy
Milhouse Mummystorm. Not sure if its worth it to give your opponent so much tempo.
Wasteland Assassin
pack filler. way over costed. you get one with rush and 1 less attack for 4 mana in warrior but the rush keyword makes it superior compared to this.
Get yer wild bloodstingers at the ready y’all