Warface87's Comments
battlecry highlander :)
Hey, your deck looks cool, fun & strong +1. Wanna check out my shaman too? and give it your honest rating please: /decks/quest-battlecry-shaman-the-fast-version/ thanks in advance!
Overload Token Shaman - Shadows Post-Buff - #1 Legend (Fen)
My favorite deck right now, so fun to play, brings back the real shaman feelings and u never feel unfavoured, i must say a great deck for current meta and happy to see shaman back in this token based buff form! <3
Overload Token Shaman - Shadows Post-Buff - #1 Legend (Fen)
To get infinite murlocs in slower mu’s where u need more value. It creates minions(tokens) synergy for your deck. Early tempo if needed. Make opponent think your murloc shammy. If u run out of cards it’s a nice refill too so quite alot of pro’s imo
Dragon Shudderwock Shaman - Rise of Shadows - Zyrios
Awesome list! i did cut 1 phantom militia for 2nd Dragonmaw Scorcher because of alot of token druids and tempo rogues with 1 hp stuff and just a thicc body + synergy i did not know what else to cut for it maybe an ooze but warriors rogues shamans pretty much use weapons and has synergy with shudderwock. Tell me if u guys see a better substitute and if its right to tech in 2nd Dragonmaw Scorcher or maybe explain why 2 phantom militia’s are so important in this list? I would appreciate that! <3
Murloc Shaman - Rise of Shadows - #37 Legend (Kat)
Solid list but why Lava Burst exactly?
Midrange Murloc Shaman - Rise of Shadows - #4 Legend (Impact)
You say a #4 legend deck isn’t great in this meta, then how did he end up so high?
Rush Tempo Warrior - Rise of Shadows - 12 Wins Brawliseum (Annachie)
Because the people that took this deck to the Brawliseum fell flat hahaha xD
Aggro Overload Token Shaman
Whoops i actually ment to type Token not Totemin the title my bad xD
Aggro Overload Token Shaman
You generate wide boards with little minions which u call tokens, as in token druid before for example
HCT Winter Championship 2019 - All Deck Lists, Stats & Results!
Question, Bunnyhopper, Viper and Bloodyface allready qualified for Hct World Championship in April what if they become top 4 in this tournament again, who will qualify for Worlds then the other semi finalist + 3 quarter finalists?
Zyrios' #13 Legend Even Shaman (October 2018)
Bonemare is really nice in a deck like this and only 40 dust
Seohyun628's Taunt Druid - HCT Americas Fall Playoffs 2018
Don’t call it Big Druid when it’s Taunt Druid.
Hunterace's Malygos Druid - 1st Place HCT Seoul 2018
He went 8-1 with it in the tournament when everyone was playing populair and viable meta decks so i guess the numbers speak for itself
Fibonacci's Legend Big/Recruit Warrior - Post Nerf Witchwood
Masterpiece. Really strong and alot of fun in this a bit boring meta.
Dizzl's Legend Overload Shaman - Post Nerf Witchwood
bad matchup that stupid op broken even warlock.. that deck will be most played once meta settles cuz it almost doesn’t lose i guess ima have to build myself a 2k18 control paladin FeelsGoodMan
Dizzl's Legend Overload Shaman - Post Nerf Witchwood
Awesome deck i love it, opponents are like wtf im playing against!? super fun aswell good job <3
Dog's Odd Warrior - HCT Americas Summer Playoffs 2018
Best replacements if u don’t have Azalina?
Ender's #3 Legend Warlock Zoo (January 2018)
Nerubian unravelers instead of Bonemare’s any good? or is this the list for this meta?
Warface87 Krulzakus Warlock - Perfect Curve/Meta Breaker (January 2018)
They should be worried for your late game most of the times they dont even know they are playing against a krul highlander lock untill u drop either kazakus or krul on 9 and fill the board and from that point on especially the 9 u often have the DK aswell as a follow up and u win most of the times. To answer your question, there is a handfull of healing in this deck but most of the healing is hidden in the many Taunts
what doesn’t go face is bonus hp <3 just try some matches and get the feel for it u will like it
Favorite deck atm for several reasons: 1 it’s shaman, 2 you dictate, 3 mutate & lackey mutate + stormbringer makes every game different <3, 4 random murloc generation (frogs are cute), 5 comeback potential, 6 burst opponents down with cool cards :D, 7 it has something broken like any tier 1 deck these days (it cheats mana)
and 8 Jambre made this the most original deck builder mankind has ever known