Vivafra's Comments
Maddest Bomber
Actually hats off to you. You are very often on the bitter side of the criticism, but I very much appreciated your comments on the post about the Blizzard harassment scandal, which showed a very smart and sensitive side of you.
Battlegrounds Rating Will Be Reset Early Next Week, The Big Minion Rework Is Finally Coming
Yeah, the hype is real!
Best United in Stormwind Decks From Day 1 & (Part Of) 2
I am trying a control Priest and a control Warlock with the Watch Post package. The 4-mana Watch Post works pretty well against spell-heavy decks and Robes of Protection makes minions untargetable so if they can’t finish you with face damage you kill them on your turn with a buffed board. Still pretty inconsistent though, but at least is somewhat fun to play.
OTK Rogue - #2 Legend (ProfessorPro) - The Barrens
I encountered it twice so far. First time got me totally by surprise, I did not expect it. Second time I had simply no way to counter it. Awesome combo anyway, thumbs up!
Primordial Protector
This tutors Grand Finale for two 8/8 the following turn. Slow and meme-y, but still…
Battlegrounds Rating Distribution - In Which % of Playerbase You Are Based on Your Rank
I play 1-2 games per day on average and mostly doing dumb stuff instead of sticking to consistent builds/Heroes. I sit between 6 and 6.5k
2020 in Hearthstone - A Recap of the Passing Year
Well, AFKing in BG ruins the match because the “lucky” players who challenge more often the AFK can tavern up faster and so on
Android Crash Fix for Patch 16.4 Issues Is Out Now!
My phone started crashing AFTER the patch. Hilarious
(LIVE NOW!) Battlegrounds Demons Nerf Coming Tomorrow (Thursday) - Floating Watcher Moves To Tier 4
That could be interesting, I can see a Deryl tier-1 strategy buffing pogos with tokens
16.0 Hearthstone Battlegrounds Patch - 3 New Heroes, Hero Rotation, 2 New Minions, Balance Changes (Lightfang Nerf), Statistics
I really hope this stats screen is just a beginning, it has some info inside indeed, but it’s still lacking. I really appreciate a first step towards an in-game stat system
The Dalaran Heist Guide – Chapter 5: Kirin Tor Citadel (Heroic Strategy)
Little exception: murloc decks ???? it works great
Omega Control Warlock - Shadows Post-Nerf - Top 500 Legend (NovaMograph)
I keep finding tempo/thief rogues and this deck destroys them almost without chance. It’s always on edge because you can get pretty low on health around turn 8-9 but managing resources until that point makes you definitely win in the long run. I love the CW archetipe and this deck is so fun!
Standout Rise of Shadows Decks From Day 1
Well I discarded the tempo version because it’s not really viable. You can try searching one of the many decks in the posts here or type Hakkar Warlock in the search bar
Standout Rise of Shadows Decks From Day 1
I am experimenting a version without Voodoo and Doomsayer, using some 3- and 4-drops with taunt for earlier tempo plays
Standout Rise of Shadows Decks From Day 1
I found out that a slightly modded version of Halkar Warlock is really fun to play. Plot Twist + drawing multiple Aranasi freezes the Bomb damage in the mid-game, while there’s the Hakkar+Rafaam finisher for the late game. So far I lost only against a very smart Mechathun warrior and a REALLY fast Zoolock (mostly due to a bad card draw on my side though).
You don’t have to