Vincent's Comments
Starport, Fairy Tale Forest, Shudderblock+Ghost. Twice.
I hope this won’t be viable. I already hate this card.
mlYanming is the 2024 Hearthstone World Champion!
In the quarterfinales, Hemlock just gave up in a winning position. What was he thinking? He had N’Zoth in his hands! Very strange.
Bob the Bartender
After the nerfs to Reno, Reska and Yogg they add this. Makes no sense.
(Live Now) Hearthstone 31.0.3 Patch Notes - Standard, Wild and Battlegrounds Balance Changes, Bug Fixes
Nice changes. And also the statement that they acknowledge that the power level of the game was too much.
Balance Update Is Coming Next Thursday (November 21)
Besides some nerfs and buffs, I hope Quasar, Reno, Yogg and Zilliax will be banned in Standard.
The Best Decks from The Great Dark Beyond, Early Meta Builds From Pros & Streamers, Decks For All Classes
The Ceaseless Expanse has just been banned In Wild.
I have a feeling it’s going to be another race, whoever plays Kil’jaeden first, wins.
This will become annoying very quickly.
Spore Empress Moldara
Yes, you are missing that the next card summons two random 5 drops (the first + a new 5 drop) for 5 mana, and the next card summons three 5 drops (the first two + a new 5 drop) for 5 mana, and so on.
Xor'toth, Breaker of Stars
This one is tricky. To time the effect, you either have to play cards or not.
Shop Update: New Skins, Diamond Zephrys, Card Pack Bundles
A shop update instead of a balance patch. Blizzard should follow a Hearthstone rule: do your actions in the right order. 60 euro for a diamond card is insane. You can buy a whole game for that price.
The Traveling Travel Agency Card Reveals - Reveal Schedule, Full List of Cards From the Perils in Paradise Mini-Set
Easy legend with big spell mage. Who would have thought that a zero cost tsunami on turn 4/5 would break the game. Oh wait. The whole meta is centered around big spell mage. You either play it or play a “counter” deck like pain warlock. A balance patch would be nice.
Portalmancer Skyla
One hour after release people are already calling for nerfs.
RegisKillbin: “Portalmancer Skyla just broke the Hearthstone meta with some of the most absurd Standard format mana cheating in the history of the game.”
Zeddy: “Big Spell Mage is back and it’s absolutely busted! Portalmancer Skyla allows you to play Tsunami for 0 mana as early as turn 4.”
Portalmancer Skyla
A zero cost Tsunami? That’s scary. I don’t like it.
Btw Skyla looks like a cat with the ears of an elf and the teeth of Pennywise, in a purple dress. It looks awful. What’s this supposed to be?
Hearthstone 30.0.3 Patch Notes - Constructed & Battlegrounds Balance Changes, Bug Fixes
Why didn’t Concierge got the “but no less than (1).” treatment? Now Seabreeze Chalice can still be spammed for zero mana. I don’t get it.
Hearthstone Patch 30.0.3 Teaser - Standard & Battlegrounds Balance Update
As predicted, Perils’ only impactful cards will be nerfed. And then we return to the pre-Perils meta? Doesn’t sound interesting.
I’m glad Ethereal Oracle is being nerfed even though it’s already a patch too late.
But now it also irritates me that there is no card to stop the construction of a starship. That leads to OTK decks without an option to do anything about it.
Also, cards have been added that destroy cards from your hand. That kind of interaction is just not fun. I really like the whole Starcraft theme, but decisions like this worry me if I still will enjoy playing Hearthstone.
The signature StarCraft cards look really cool, but I’m afraid that they are way too pricey. And that’s a real shame, because I would like to buy one, but not for 60 euros.