Velver's Comments
Heskey4Lyfe's Post-Nerf Legend Spiteful Druid (February 2018)
Managed to make it all the way to rank 5, will have to see if I can make it to legendary.
-1 vivious fledging +1 zola the gorgon (found out it has a lot of power in this deck and had to craft it)
– 1 faldram saghelm +1 secret eater (started facing more mage and hunter)
Heskey4Lyfe's Post-Nerf Legend Spiteful Druid (February 2018)
I like how this deck plays. At first I underestimated how effective this deck could be at climbing and tested it with a bit of reluctance, however, after playing for a while I started to stack wins and understand the reasons for some cards I thought a bit wierd. Playing spiteful summoner at turn 5 (with mire keeper’s acceleration) is in many games enought to win the game. You mostly will want to play grand archivist into an ultimate infestation russian rulette when your opponent has more cards than you do or when you are winning the game but need more cards in your hand. Glacial shard will usually make up for the ultimate infestation turn or give you a turn to set up to win the game. Many games vs aggro paladin, jade druid, big priest and cubelock will be won by mind control tech and spellbreaker will win you the more control oriented matches while also unfreezing your minions or preventing in an emergency your archivist from casting ultimate infestation two times in row. This is a very swing -heavy deck but it works.
Having said all that, you will still have trouble winning the games where you draw ultimate infestation before casting the spiteful summoners or the archivist, but more often than not you get to fire those effects at least once. Sometimes sh*t will happen and you will start with both infestations in hand or draw into them early on.
I made some changes when playing to make the deck a bit more aggro and controlling
-1 zola the gorgon +1 vivious fletching (did not have zola)
-2 mistress of mixtures +2 enchanted raven (I still don’t understand why you would use her in this deck)
-1 secret eater +1 falndra staghelm (secret mage is a bit of an oddity in ladder and I find that I prefer having a better minion in most matches, he works with mire keeper and your death knight and in some cases as a bait for your oponents spells)
You will have trouble fighting some priests, paladins if you don’t draw into hungry crab or if they draw into sunkeeper tarim and you will have overall a bad matchup against mages of any kind (although it can still be won). cube lock will depend heavily on your mind control teck steal and spellbreaker silencing.
In the end, this is a really interesting deck with some wild moments where you can win the game due to an archivist hitting your opponents face. I expected to play a fun but underwhelmingdeck but what I got was some real firepower. I will try to see how far I can take this deck into ladder (getting on a winstreak beyond rank 10). Kudos to you and good luck
Roffle's Kobolds and Catacombs Oil Rogue
I stand corrected. I welcome our doomerang overlords
Roffle's Kobolds and Catacombs Oil Rogue
Something important to note is that king’s bane effect is a deathrattle, doomerang will debuff it
The control hunter we deserve, not the one we want
As an additional side note, while we are only playing one deathrattle, the idea is that only one kathrena should be enough to swing the game (unless this plays into the cave hydra). Other than that the idea is to potentialy see kathrenas effect every game
You can also pull hadronox with oakheart and if you have naturalize and one more mana you can use his deathrattle