Varied's Comments
Pure Libram Paladin - Slysssa - Ashes of Outland
I’ve played about 20 games with the deck at this point, and it’s worked very well, but there’s definitely room for refinement. The biggest thing the deck lacks is raw card draw. It can generate tons of cards, but you need to get to that point first. The problem is that Paladin’s seriously lacking in card draw. I’m considering Call to Adventure, which would draw you a buffed Aldor Attendant, which is such a key card for the deck’s strategy, or a Murgur which would be a 4/3 with divine shield. As for what to cut, the worst card by far in my experience is Air Raid. Most of the time, I’d be fine just using hero power instead. The taunt rarely matters because of how easily they are killed by aoe.
Galakrond Rogue - #3 Legend (Ruby) - Galakrond's Awakening
Proof of how insane Licensed Adventurer, Questing Adventurer, and Sky Gen’ral Kragg are. They make being one card behind at the start of every game worthwhile.
Galakrond Rogue - #3 Legend (iNS4NE) - Galakrond's Awakening
It goes in basically every deck. It’s like Loatheb. There’s basically no popular deck that doesn’t rely on battlecry minions, making Boompistol Bully a massive shut down of an opponent’s tempo. It makes key cards like Galakrond, Alextraza, Bran, Reno, Togwaggle ect. unplayable the next turn and screws up Zephyrus. Expect to see it in almost every deck going forward.
Galakrond Dragon Priest - Firebat - Galakrond's Awakening
Cleric of Scales is possibly the best card from Galakrond’s Awakening, but the Priest’s Galakrond is so awful that it’s still not worth it playing it. Highlander decks and Rogues can generate enough value to kill you before the infinite minions win you the game, so the deck’s only niche isn’t viable. Sure, you win if you outlast an aggro deck, but so do other control decks which are better. The only reason to run the Priest Galakrond package is to use Fate Weaver for a combo, and without Mindblast there aren’t many effective Priest combos that aren’t Divine Spirit + Inner Fire which doesn’t need the discount.
Descent of Dragons Post-Second Nerf Meta Decks - Best Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
Do you think it will be worth keeping the deathrattle package in Highlander Rogue, and if not what would you consider replacing those 4 cards with? I’ve found that Necrium Apothecary is basically never played on curve like it would be in the tempo shell, but that it helps close out long matches like Quest Priest. Also, the ability to highroll a 10/9 with divine shield, lifesteal, and taunt sometimes feels like the only way to win the Face Hunter matchup.
I’ve been considering Bazaar Burglary to help with early board decks like Face Hunter and Galakrond Warlock, adding Clever Disguise and Bazaar Mugger. It would lead to Underbelly Fence and Vendetta being online more consistently. I’m just not sure if the deck has enough theft cards to consistently complete the quest early.
16.0.5 Balance Update - Nerfs to Corrupt Elementalist, Sludge Slurper, Faceless Corruptor, Mogu Fleshshaper + Battlegrounds Changes - December 19
Wait, isn’t that a low-key buff to Mogu Fleshshaper? It heavily reduces the variance of Mutate and basically guarantees you get 8/8 worth of stats at least (excluding King Pharosis). The +2 cost is rarely going to prohibit playing it the turn you would’ve before given how easily Shaman and other classes flood the board.
Tempo Rogue - Rise of Shadows - Early #1 Legend (惘闻)
Wisps in a #1 Legend deck. Just when I thought I’d seen everything.
Mecha'thun Warrior - Rise of Shadows - #1 Legend (Fibonacci)
Is the only finisher combo just to The Boomship out Mecha’thun and Shield Slam it, or is there one with Malygos I’m not seeing?
Tempo Rogue - Rise of Shadows - #1 Legend (Gamerrvg)
Can someone explain the Crystalizer? Is it just for the body to trade against 1/1s, because it feels like there’s no other synergy. If that’s the reason, wouldn’t running Fan be a better option to deal with 1/1s?
Mech Deathrattle Hunter Theorycraft Deck List – Rise of Shadows - April 2019
I petition this deck be renamed “Death Magnetic.”
Another option would be Blessing of Wisdom, which synergizes with Lady Liadrin, or Hammer of Wrath for some targeted removal.