Vanelloppe's Comments
Hearthstone 24.6 Patch Notes - March of the Lich King, Free Legendary, New Cosmetics, New Event System & Hallow's End Event, Updates For Different Modes And More
Why you think that?
Hearthstone's Castle Nathria Mini-Set Announced - The Maw and Disorder Releases on September 27! New Card Reveals This Week
I’m happy for you then if it’s help you in any way, i like your website and i pass on it every day so i like see any news. I agree on the fact that it’s good to have refreshement in the standard meta, i’m already bored of standard meta so this mini set is a good news for me even if i enjoy the wild mode for now.
Hearthstone's Castle Nathria Mini-Set Announced - The Maw and Disorder Releases on September 27! New Card Reveals This Week
The meta change every two weeks XD
(Update) Some Of The Upcoming Balance Changes Got Revealed - Nerfs for Warlock, Hunter, Shaman, Druid; Buffs for DH, Rogue, Paladin and Warrior
It’s the first time that i kept all my copies of my cards waiting nerfs to optimize the dust, does anyone know if there is a limit of decraft for one card? For example i have 9 copies of vile library, can i decraft the seven copies for 100 dust each when nerfs coming?
Hearthstone Balance Patch Coming on Thursday (May 19) With Standard And Battlegrounds Nerfs And Buffs
Alleluia, very shit standard meta since the last patch
Balance Changes Announced - Standard & Wild Nerfs - Releasing Next Tuesday (April 26)
Warrior pirates still too strong, just nerf Mr Smite that is completely unbalanced and win games unwinable without it
Shellfish Priest - #12 Legend (古明地觉) - Sunken City
Sunken City Theorycrafting Streams Are Live Now With Two Free Packs From Twitch Drops + Pre-Release Weekend
I have opened an fireside gathering, but still can’t open my pre released packs, can somoene have the same issue?
21.0.3 Balance Update - Eight Constructed Card Nerfs + Five Battlegrounds Hero Buffs - Coming Tomorrow (August 17)
Good nerfs, mage, demo, illidan and paladin hard nerfed, it seems blizzard wanna slow down combo decks and have more interplay between players instead play goldfish. The ll’gynoth’s nerf prove it, it burry the otk combo, but i think demo combo will be still fine.
Darkest Hour Combo
I change a part of your deck, i think its better to choose one purpose : control or aggro an you have both in your decks, so i decided to try to put it control with the win condition hakkar or just with board control, here the code of your deck modified : AAECAf0GCtsGp/cCnPgCoIAD8IYDlooDl5cDvZkDhp0D2p0DCrYHxAiq7ALy8QLF8wL1gAPZiQPalgPCmQPamwMA
Its just an example, you have the curve, taunt to survive early, lifesteal,combo elekk/plot twist for value if you need, Barista for value too but no compulsory (you can get out barista and elekk of the deck if you want), i put archibist elysiana if you are in control matchup to not get fatigue and can be a good combo with rafaam, jepetto is good to pick up hakkar and kill him when you put him on the board (to avoid a silence from your enemy), anyway what do you think about this?
Aggro Secret Paladin Theorycraft Deck List - Rise of Shadows - April 2019
I agree and we don’t know if secret paladdin will be available in future meta, it seems fun but i dont know if its the best aggro deck to go legend
Silence Priest Theorycraft Deck List – Rise of Shadows - April 2019
Thanks to this deck, i get it and replace Zilliax and shadow madness by two sunfury, my thought is this is better against aggro
Darkest Hour Combo
Good idea, i think it can be very hard against aggro in early (murloc, secret paladdin for example), i dont understand why Dr Morrigan and Fel lord, its too late and what the point to put there cards, any combo with it? Better to put more early to survive i guess cause in late you win i guess, same for undatakah and doctor :), but i like your deck idea ^^
Underbelly Fence
The card is really strong on her own but there is a compétitive deck meta in which put this card? like uou said, espionnage is RNG and blinkfox is enough to put this card? Im not sure
Legend Odd Mech Warrior - Boomsday (Brian Kibler)
in this version yes : but not in odd warrior, you dont stacks armor with shudderwock battlecry
Legend Odd Mech Warrior - Boomsday (Brian Kibler)
like you copy togwaggle and azaline from his hand?
Legend Odd Mech Warrior - Boomsday (Brian Kibler)
what is azalina point in this deck? it counter some deck?
If you are talking about of the free Legendary given Yesterday, this is nothing to do with the first ten packs. If you get the first Legendary in the first pack doesn’t mean you will haven’t one in the next nine others packs but it will not being guarantee since you have already got one.