vaidab's Comments
Savjz's Evolve Shaman (August 2016, Season 29)
I also see this version:
Which one is more up2date?
Rdu's Arcane Giant Miracle Druid (August 2016, Season 29)
I’d love a mulligan guide. Also, how does it fare vs Dragon Warrior? I had bad matchups there.
Fr0zen's Rank 1 Legend N'Zoth Renolock Deck List Guide (Season 27)
I find it works marvelously vs Zoo. Especially with Mountain Giant instead of the Soggoth the Slitherer (and also Harvest Golem instead of Brann). You have all the tools to counter Zoo in the deck and you only need to mulligan correctly.
One Night in Karazhan Card Review (First Reveals) - Ivory Knight, Kindly Grandmother, Barnes, The Curator, and More!
The Curator rocks. Imagine murloc paladin with a specific dragon and a specific beast in the deck. Or vice versa.
Also vs Control Warrior it’s good for the Anub’Arak pick.