UrAGoodDog's Comments
Barnes-Malygos Time Warp Mage
Exodia Mage actually seems super promising this expansion!! You’ll only really need those 6 cards – Sorc Apprentice x2, Molten Reflection x2, Time Warp, and Antonidas. I’ll definitely try to build a deck around that when all the cards come out
That said, I think it’s impossibly difficult to get this out before you hit 10 mana, mainly because you have to not only complete the quest to get Time Warp which will definitely take several turns to cast the 6 outside spells, but you also have to get all 6 cards to do the combo, which requires a lot of cycle while avoiding getting killed by your opponent. But like you said, doing the combo by turn 9 is probably the most optimistic outcome.
But Mage can definitely pull it off with all the freeze effects and board clears it has, the only thing is you’ll probably have to draw through your whole deck to find every single combo piece.
But yeah, Exodia Mage definitely seems better and more consistent than this deck lol