Unvoid564's Comments
7 mana
Deal 4 damage to a minion. Draw 3 cards. Summon a 4/2.
(assuming the cult master has no value after this combo, which is a good worst case look)
Then this is extremely good 5/5
Otherwise 4/5 because then its just 3 mana deal 4 but synergises with some cards well
Ancient Mysteries
I want to mention Arcane Flakmage.
But before I do, a 2 cost card that draws a 3 cost secret and makes it (0) is almost always better than drawing a secret straight. The downside is you would want to run more secrets than these in your decks to ensure you always have something to draw. It thins out the deck aswell, mostly a good thing.
Now to the new card Flakmage, this card makes a HUGE difference. Flakmage is a 2 cost card that would normally have to be used on turn 5 with a secret. With this card you can either coin on turn 1 or play this card turn 2, then play Flak with it next turn that deals 2 damage to all enemies. This is a huge tempo gain and solves aggro threats sooner (turn 2/3) rather than turn 4/5.
Rating: 5/5
Beaming Sidekick
As most have mentioned, its a power word shield (but neutral) in the form of a 1/2 instead of a draw. So when is a 1/2 equal/better than a draw? When the 1/2 has synergy, such as Magic Carpet. 3/5 for zoolock. Otherwise wont be used.
Solid 1drop arena card that only requires 1 minion on field. 4/5 for Arena
Overall: 3/5
The best options are:
Rush + divine shield (5/5 alone)
Rush + windfury
Divine shield + taunt
Flexibility is obviously what gives this card its power.